The Montpelier Exempted Village School’s Board of Education met on Tuesday, October 8, and approved all of the items on the agenda.
The Treasurer’s Report was approved upon the following recommendation to approve financial statements and investments for September 2013, as listed.
a. Cash Reconciliation
b. SM2
c. Investment Report
d. Financial Report
e. General Fund Revenues & Expenditures Report
f. Fund Summaries
g. Check Register
The following donations were accepted:
From Target Take Charge of Education to the High School Principal’s Fund – $86.38; from the F.I.R.S.T. Club to Flag Football – 280.00; from Great Midwest Sports to the Athletic Department – $800.00; from the Northwest Electric Trust to Archery – $600.00. The Montpelier Eagles made a donation of $10,000 which was distributed as follows: Yearbook – $120.00; Football – $2,000.00; Volleyball – $1,000.00; Girls’ Basketball – $1,000.00; Boys’ Basketball – $1,000.00; Student Council – $2,300.00; High School Attendance Incentive – $2,500.00.
Also as part of the Treasurer’s report, the board approved permitting the CFO/Treasurer to request the County Budget Commission to make changes to the Amended Certificate, and to make modifications to permanent appropriations for fiscal year 2013 as presented. The Budget and Purpose Statement for the 2012-2013 school year was approved and the NBHP Wellness Grant Fiscal Year 2014 and Montpelier Conservation Club funds were created. The board approved the Five Year Forecast for submission to the Ohio Department of Education in October 2013.
The Consent Agenda was approved. This included the approval of the following employments to the certified staff:
a. Shelby Schmersal’s contract increased to 1.15 for the 2013-2014 school year.
b. Graduate hours for Timothy Ford for the 2013-2014 school year.
c. Rescinded Garrett Leininger as HS Musical Director for the 2013-2014 school year.
d. Added Jeanne Black-Chappies and Alana Perkins to the substitute teacher list for the 2013-2014 school year.
e. Approved supplemental contracts for the 2013-2014 school year to:
Garrett Leininger
Co-HS Musical Director
Taylor Muehfeld
Head Boys Basketball
David Bauer
Varsity Boys Basketball Assistant
Mark Huffman
JV Boys’ Basketball
Troy Roth
Head Wrestling
Timothy Ford
Varsity Wrestling Assistant
Khrysta Long
JV Girls’ Basketball
Tayna Dutkiewickz
Co-HS Musical Director
The following individuals were approved for employment to the classified staff for the 2013-2014 school year:

Carol Brown
Substitute Custodian
Darren Patterson
Custodial Student Worker
Chad Fitzenrider
Substitute Custodian
The board voted to rescind Jason Nicely as Varsity Girls’ Basketball Assistant.
Supplental Contracts were approved for the 2013-2014 school year for:
Steven Lamberson
JH Boys Basketball

Logan McKelvey
JH Boys Basketball
Richard Ruecher
Varsity Boys Basketball – Volunteer
Jeremy Suffel
Varsity Wrestling Assistant
Anthony Mercer
JH Wrestling
Shannon Hageman
Varsity Girls Basketball Coach
Kathy Lamberson
JH Girls Basketball

Teresa VanDyke
JV Girls Basketball – Volunteer
Teresa VanDyke
Archery – Volunteer
The Montpelier Schools Board of Education meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 p.m.