The West Unity Area Chamber of Commerce is presenting the 2013 Annual Fall Festival on October 26th, 2013 in downtown West Unity. Events planned for this year’s Fall Festival are as follows:
6 am: Fireman’s Breakfast at Brady Township Firehouse
9 am – 3 pm: Annual Silent Auction at the American Legion Hall
10 am – 2 pm: Craft Show at Old Schmidt Produce Store
11 am – 1 pm: Special music by Alan Grant in the 100 block of North Main Street
11 am – 1 pm: Annual Relay for Life Chili Cook-Off in downtown West Unity
11 am – 3 pm: Inflatables and Games in the 100 block of North Main Street
Noon: Powder Puff Football Game at Hilltop Football Field
There will also be Pack-A-Pick up at the Legion for the local food pantry. The West Unity Chamber of Commerce also thanks the donors and sponsors who help to make this event possible, including the special donations made by Chamber supporters KAMCO, Three D Transport, PJ & T Transportation, and Dave’s Home Inspection.