Montpelier Chapter 270, Women of the Moose, held College of Regents chapter night Thursday, Nov. 5th which included the Award of Achievement presentation ceremony. Members holding the College of Regents Degree, the highest degree in the organization, were honored during the meeting. Shown from left to right, seated, are Green Cap Junior Graduate Regent Melinda Evers and Past Regent and Recorder Kara Custar, both holding the Award of Achievement plaque; back row, standing from left to right, Collegians Pat Fitzcharles, Lee Hart, Pat Cogan serving as Higher Degree Committee chairman, Past Deputy Grand Regent Rey McKinney serving as secretary/treasurer, and Past Grand Council Member Joyce Schelling. J.G.R. Melinda presented the chapter’s 2019-2020 Award of Achievement as she served the chapter as senior regent this past year.
Each year the chapter earns the award, a medallion is added to the plaque and is on display in the lodge social quarters. Past Regent Kara has qualified to receive her College of Regents Degree at International Conference in Cincinnati next year. The next regular chapter meeting is scheduled Thursday, Nov. 19th at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room. All chapter members are welcome to attend.