DISC GOLF COURSE … The Ribbon Cutting for the new Disc Golf Course on County Road 16 in Williams County was held, with no rain but lots of wet ground and mud, on Saturday morning, October 30, 2021. Ribbon cutting ceremony participants (left to right) were County Engineer Todd Roth, Rodney Miller with the Park Board, WC Commissioner Terry Rummel, Ron Jinks, Dave Schairbaum, Larry Smith, Stan Tipton with the scissors, Lee Engel, Gene Lockhart, Andy Miller and Jodi Tinkel.
By: Rebecca Miller
Throwing a frisbee like disc into the metal basket targets on a course of nine or eighteen “holes” is becoming quite the rage. Leagues of Disc Golfers have sprouted up all over the world and there are already a number of leagues in Northwest Ohio.
Stan Tipton, who is in a LOCAL league, went to the Williams County Park Board over a year ago with his idea to bring a course to the county.
County Engineer Todd Roth and the Park Board asked him to pick what park he thought would work well and Tipton chose Opdyke Park for it’s wide variety of land and trees.
Roth said that as it is important to bring things like this to the county, it was agreed and the work began.
Mr. Tipton spoke for a few moments to a group of around 25 people on a cool October 30, 2021 morning at the park, which is located on WC Road 16 exactly opposite the end of County Road J.
He thanked all the hardworking volunteers and county crew who made it possible and welcomed anyone who could, to walk the course and see how beautiful it is.
The financial contributors for the project were the Bryan Area Foundation, Williams County Commissioners and the Fountain City Flyers Disc Golf Club.
Designers were Stan Tipton, Andy Miller and John Ryan and honored volunteers from Tipton’s disc golf team were Larry Smith, Gene Lockhart, Lee Engel and Dave Schairbaum.
Those gathered for the ceremony enjoyed fresh donuts, cider and coffee while visiting and enjoying the morning together.
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com