By: Cheryl Garza
Bryan, Ohio
It is very wise for A Naturopath to look at the whole person. Medical doctors in countries around the world look at the whole person. Energy isn’t excluded to just the physical realm.
If we have purpose in life, hope and joy, positive thoughts, love, close friends, and the freedom to be ourselves; these are great factors that influence our cell energy and ability to see a great future.
For example, when a doctor or health consultant talks about the heart, it doesn’t just refer to the physical organ. The heart can refer to the spirit of a person.
Someone with a great heart can be a person who is passionate about life, has lots of joy, courage and love. Often, they are true friends and have a great character.
They can light up a room and encourage others to be joyful. This kind of person will have a great effect on others and their physical heart! This would also include someone who is very grateful, not critical.
Many philosophers believe all men have a energy known as “qi” the circulating life force whose existence and properties are the bases of much. This is pronounced Chee.
Quantum physics is the study of subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. These are little packets of energy. This type of energy is affected by our thoughts, lifestyles and our attitude.
Too much stress affects our energies at these levels. A life out of balance, not enough enjoyment, too much work or negative attitude affect the delicate balance of our cells.
Also, we must learn not to live in the past, dwell on bad memories, forgive ourselves. It is helpful to know who we are and why we were created.
Learning to connect to our divine self and our life purpose increases our very own vibrance. Just as we need balance in life, there are herbs and nutrients that help our Mind, Body & Spirit.
When we correct both emotional and physical balance, we correct energy patterns. When this happens, the body starts to rebuild health, and any illnesses, diseases and conditions will greatly improve.
We need vital energy throughout our bodies and a sense of peace in our souls to be our highest self our best self. My deepest and greatest wish for all of us is to awaken our highest self within.
That is where the true power lies. My greatest hopes and prayers are that we can all share an encouraging each other to live a happier, healthier, VIBRANT life!

I am putting together a community resource guide. Power, strength, unity, and connection. Please contact me if interested as always Be Well and Stay nourished! Cheryl L Garza A Lady With Alot Of Zeal and yearning to empower, guide, encourage and share all HOLISTIC Wholesome Living with youth-adults. Highly educated, extremely passionate, determined and driven with no doubts… I choose to make the rest of my life the BEST of my Life, I wish that for all as well… Sharing Love & Kindness… 567-239-1960