The following actions were taken by the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center Governing Board at their organizational and regular meeting held January 24, 2023.
The organizational meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Pro-Tem Brian Baker. All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Elected Brian Baker as President of the NwOESC governing board for 2023.
- Elected Deborah Gerken as Vice-President of the NwOESC governing board for 2023.
- Established the following for regular monthly meetings; (4th Tuesday unless noted)
TIME: (6:00 pm)
LOCATION: NwOESC Conference Room
DATES: February 28, 2023; March 28, 2023; April 25, 2023; May 23, 2023; June 20, 2023 (3rd Tuesday); July 18, 2023 (3rd Tuesday); August 22, 2023; September 26, 2023; October 24, 2023; November 21, 2023 (3rd Tuesday); December 19, 2023 (3rd Tuesday)
-Records commission to meet as needed after the regular NwOESC governing board meetings.
- Approved the appointment of the Superintendent, Director of Special Education, and the Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development as purchasing agents for 2023 with the dollar limit of $15,000 for the Superintendent per purchase, and $7,500 for the Director of Special Education, and the Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Professional Development per purchase. Purchase requests in excess of the Superintendent’s limit will require Board approval.
- Approved motion to grant the Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer, Homer Hendricks:
- Authority to pay bills, process payrolls, invest Board funds and make all necessary cash advancements to grants during 2023
- Serve as the designee for each NwOESC governing board member effective 01/01/23 to comply with the requirements of the Ohio Public Records Law.
- Approved motion to allow the Superintendent, Kerri Weir (or her designee as applicable):
- To participate in Federal, State, or other funded grants, contracts, or agreements as they become available to the Board in 2023, and then be brought to the Board for ratification.
- To permit the superintendent to hire employees during 2023 contingent upon Board approval at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
- To authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offer on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent’s acceptance.
- To approve school bus drivers and van drivers for Board certification who have met all of the established requirements. At the next regularly scheduled Governing Board meeting, these names will be approved also by the NwOESC Governing Board.
- Approved motion to set the fees to individuals requesting copies of the schedule of meetings, agenda, or notice of individual meetings at the following:
- Approved a resolution expressing public purpose for educational service center activities.
- Appointed Jill Gilliland as Compliance Officer female representative and Andy Hunter as Compliance Officer male representative for the purpose of coordinating the Center’s efforts to comply with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including the duty to address in a prompt and equitable manner any inquiries or complaints regarding discrimination/retaliation or denial of equal access (i.e., Civil Rights, Anti-Harassment, Section 504, ADA, and Title IX) for 2023.
- Appointed Jill Gilliland and Andy Hunter as Title IX Coordinators for the purpose of coordinating the Center’s efforts to comply with applicable Federal regulations regarding nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities for 2023.
- Appointed the following people to serve as OSBA Liaisons: OSBA Legislative Liaison: Mr. Brian Baker; OSBA Student Achievement Liaison: Dr. Christine Smallman.
- Appointed the following Committee Members: Audit/Finance Committee: Homer Hendricks, Ross Stambaugh, Jim George, Mary Alice Nagel; Building and Grounds Committee – Kerri Weir, Homer Hendricks, Chad Rex, Brian Baker, Deborah Gerken, Christine Smallman; Policy Committee – Kerri Weir, Homer Hendricks, Nona Rupp, Lori Weber, Kelly Hug.
- As the Organizational meeting was complete, the meeting was adjourned.
The Regular Meeting was called to order by President Brian Baker.
- OSBA LEGISLATIVE LIAISON: Mr. Brian Baker reported the Senate Education Committee held sponsor testimony on SB 1, which would rename the Department of Education as the Department of Education and Workforce and would create the position of Director of Education and Workforce. The bill also would reform the functions and responsibilities of the State Board of Education and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mr. Baker also shared the Senate Government Oversight Committee held sponsor testimony on SB 18, which would eliminate the obsolete requirement that school districts or school buildings in academic emergency or academic watch submit information to the Ohio Department of Education before approval of a three-year continuous improvement plan. It also eliminates the obsolete requirements for site evaluations for districts or buildings in academic emergency or academic watch.
- OSBA STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT LIAISON: Dr. Christine Smallman reported on several items related to academic achievement. A sensory hallway created by a school nurse features tactile stimuli such as sequins, pressure-reactive tiles, and movable elements. The wall provides a tool to help students recover when they are overstimulated. Industrial technology students at an Indiana high school are gaining hands-on career experience by building a tiny home from the ground up. Students are involved in all aspects of construction, including flooring, drywall, and electrical work. A blogger for middle school who provides teaching tips and strategies states that effective learning begins when educators help students make connections between what they already know and what will be learned, so the opening minutes of a lesson are crucial. The way teachers begin class is the key to enlivening or extinguishing student interest and learning. Dr. Smallman also shared a recent report indicated that third graders are struggling the most to recover in reading after the pandemic. Students who were kindergarteners in the spring of 2020 are now roughly eight years old and in the third grade. The report by NWEA documents these pandemic-related learning losses in reading, compared to older students in grades four to eight, and are not readily recovering.
- CFO/TREASURER:Homer Hendricks reviewed the mid-year program cost estimate update for this school year that was distributed to districts on January 10th and shared about the upcoming initial program cost estimates for next school year. He announced Sarah Kirkingburg as the new personnel coordinator, replacing Brandi Nafziger who moved to the assistant financial officer position. Mr. Hendricks also discussed the Future Forward Ohio-Ohio Learning Collaborative grant that continues the work with NWQOCA, Butler County ESC, and Lake-Geauga Computer Association on an online learning platform and coursework for educational staff across Ohio.
- DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION: Jill Gilliland shared Early Childhood screening flyers. Parents of children ages birth to five years old can bring children to a free developmental screening. Members of our preschool team and special education office team work with other agencies to coordinate and offer these screenings. She also shared a snapshot of enrollment in special programs offered in collaboration with school districts throughout the four-county area.
- DIRECTOR OF CURRICULUM, INSTRUCTION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Andrew Hunter explained that the Franklin B. Walter Scholarship was named after the former state superintendent. This scholarship is awarded to one senior in each of our twenty-three districts and Four County Career Center. Each of these honored students selects a teacher that has positively impacted their life and acknowledges their work as well. Mr. Hunter invited the board to join us on March 6, 2023 for that special event. Mr. Hunter then noted that OTES 2.0 has placed an emphasis on data, and an understanding of how to make data driven decisions. He noted several trainings that are coming up that will hone in on the states value-added reports from both a teacher and an administrator perspective.
- DIRECTOR OF TECHNOLOGY & OPERATIONS: Chad Rex reported the ESC has completed the migration to our new device and account management system. The Technology Department has been busy deploying new laptops and migrating current iPads and laptops. Phishing awareness and training efforts will be deployed soon. The Technology Department has completed setup of classroom device monitoring software for IEC and Opportunity School. The software is ready to be implemented. Rollout plans are underway. After studying multiple-factor authentication options, NwOESC will be implementing Google’s MFA along with Cisco Duo for select users. An administrative interview has been scheduled with NWOCA and ESC leadership as part of the Cybersecurity Readiness Program. Subsequent meetings will be with the technology department. A study of ESC transportation/vehicle needs was completed recently, with review and recommendations in process as we look to update older vehicles in our fleet.
- Minutes from the regular board meeting held December 20, 2022
- DONATIONS: OAPSE/Wauseon Exempted Village Schools to the IEC Activity Fund – $200.00; Bon Secours/Mercy Health to the Migrant Health Fair Followup Fund – $8,000.00.
- AGREEMENTS: Hicksville Exempted Village Schools to provide to NwOESC, Paraprofessional Services for the period of 8/15/22-6/15/23; Northern Buckeye Education Council to provide to NwOESC, Fiscal Services for the period of 7/1/23-6/30/24; NwOESC to provide to Bowling Green State University, SLP Field-Based and Teacher Internship/Student Teaching Experiences for the period of 1/17/23-continued until modified by both parties; NwOESC to provide to Edgerton Local Schools/St. Mary Catholic School, Intervention Specialist and Title 1 Paraprofessional Services for the period of 8/1/22-6/15/23.
- PURCHASES: Renewal by Andersen of Northwest Ohio to provide to NwOESC (St. Augustine Catholic School, EANS), window installation cost in the amount of $58,668.00 which is above the purchasing agent limit, with EANS funds.
FMLA and Disability
- RETIREMENTS: Schroeder, Brenda, Paraprofessional, effective 2/28/2023
- RESIGNATIONS: Commisso, Shelly, Paraprofessional, effective 1/2/2023; Harris, Melanie, Paraprofessional, effective 2/3/2023; Maginn, Mariah, Paraprofessional, effective 1/5/2023; Pawlaczyk, Cynthia, Paraprofessional, effective 1/11/2023
Certified Limited | ||
Name | Contract | Length |
Cheek, Jessica | CERT-1 Yr | 1/18/23-7/31/2023 |
Classified Limited | ||
Name | Contract | Length |
Kirkingburg, Sarah | CLASS-1 Yr | 1/17/23-6/30/2023 |
21st Century Teachers: Hicksville- Brittany Carpenter
ESC Long Term Substitute Paraprofessional: Vivien Ewing, Stephanie Martinez, Rebecca Rodriguez, Chasity Schmitt, Patricia Wyse
Substitute Paraprofessionals: Andrea Aeschliman, Jordan Bok, Mariah Maginn, Lauren Patten
Substitute Teachers: Kayla Aytes, Ami Batt, Andrew Bentley, Jordan Bok, Caitlin Brinegar, Lillian Burkholder, Bryce Cooley, Elizabeth Fritsch, Tyler Hines, Quinn Horn, Amanda Juillard, Lily Krieger, Michael Lemaster, Jacob Miller, Mindy Meyer, Makayla Meyers, Gregory Myers, Tonya Notman, Gene Rupp, Justin Rupp, Steven Schlosser, Andrea Short, Chloe Thiel, Emilio Valle
- Approved tuition reimbursement agreement for Brandi Nafziger to obtain school treasurer licensure beginning in the Spring 2023 and anticipated completion in the Summer of 2026.
- Per ODE directive, Kerri Weir distributed the State Board of Education Resolution on Opposition to the Proposed Changes to Title IX and Affirming Parental Rights and Local Control of Ohio K-12 Education
- A reminder was given that calendar Year 2022 Financial Disclosure Statements are due May 15, 2023 for ESC Board Members
- The COSSBA Inaugural National Conference will be held March 30 – April 2 in Tampa Florida
- SUPERINTENDENT REPORT: Kerri Weir provided a report to the board on several items including Administrative Searches for Holgate Superintendent and Archbold Treasurer, currently in process. A Study of ESCs was recently completed by the Auditor of State and Ohio ESC Association per HB 310. Highlights include that Ohio’s ESC provide over 350 unique services; all 51 ESCs have applied and received the HPESC designation; FY23 period indicated $78 million savings (37.2%) for schools and districts compared to the cost of services provided by other entities; The average ESC generated an additional $18.22 for every dollar of direct subsidy; the Per Pupil Operating Cost averaged $1,330.53, with overhead expenses representing $83.14 of the total; ESCs are effective and efficient; and ESC partnerships create the opportunity for improving educational services at all levels. The Edon Northwest Local School Board hosts two NwOESC Consortium Classrooms for Multiple Disabilities. Edon recently developed and approved an agreement (Non-Resident Students Graduation MOU) outlining that students served in the ESC classroom shall have the opportunity to participate socially in the Edon district graduation ceremony if determined and agreed upon by members of the student’s IEP team and documented in Written Notice. The official graduation and issuance of a diploma remains under the responsibility of the student’s resident district. Superintendent Weir shared the administrative team is updating the NwOESC programs and services catalogue, which will be distributed at the February Superintendent/Treasurer meeting. We strive to develop and provide comprehensive services to meet the unique needs of our member districts. Discussion will take place over the course of the next several months as programs and services are solidified for 2023-24. For the upcoming months, the Wellness Committee will again be encouraging NwOESC staff to participate in the “Honoring Healthy Habits” challenge. Each month will have a specific focus, with the goal of building healthy habits in a variety of areas: Nutrition/Hydration, Mental Health, and Physical Health. This program is supported by wellness grant funds through Northern Buckeye Health Plan (NBHP).
- Entered into Executive Session for the purpose of consideration of the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee, or official. No action was taken upon exiting the session.
- As all of the business of the evening was complete, the meeting adjourned at 7:21 pm. The next meeting will take place on February 28, 2023 at 6:00 the Northwest Ohio Educational Service Center, 205 Nolan Parkway, Archbold, OH.