NEWSPAPER AWARDED … Forrest R. Church, Publisher accepts newspapers awards from Ohio News Media Association President Monica Nieporte and retired member Jana Collier.
The Ohio News Media Association awarded newspapers in the Buckeye State for their media efforts on Thursday, April 4 at Quest Conference Center, Westerville, OH 43082. The Village Reporter (Northwest Ohio Publishing LLC) won eight awards including first place for Sports Coverage, Best Page Design and Best Website.
Forrest R. Church, the Publisher, attributes the newspaper’s success to the dedicated efforts of its staff. Despite the challenges faced by the news industry, including skepticism about its survival, the paper has achieved nearly a 25% increase in circulation over the past 12 months. According to Church, the key to this achievement lies in the team’s genuine care for the community product, which goes beyond mere financial compensation. Their passion and commitment have been instrumental in driving the newspaper’s recent success.
Sports Coverage
1st Place – Sports Section, Forrest Church, Publisher / Nate Calvin, Sports Editor. “Now this is a sports section! There is so much color and vibrancy, a reader feels connected to the games. The giant photos and action shots keep your attention all throughout.”
Best Page Design
1st Place – “Bryan High School Theater Presents Clue On Stage” – Forrest R. Church, Publisher. “Complex textures are hard to pull off effectively within the context of page design. The designer chose the right fontface and texture to balance the photography in the foreground of the page.”
Best Website
1st Place – The Village Reporter (Northwest Ohio Publishing LLC): – Forrest R. Church, Publisher. “Excellent website with a mix of paywall content and a great deal of free content for non-subscribers.”
News Coverage
2nd Place – The Village Reporter (Northwest Ohio Publishing LLC). “When I saw the title of the publication, I was not expecting the extensive coverage of all the happenings in the villages of Williams and Fulton County. For a weekly paper 46-64 pages per week is substantial. Not only were all the council/board and commission meetings recapped, but there were a smattering of columns and news items of interest as well.”
Best Special Edition or Section
2nd Place – “Village Of Fayette 150th Celebration Keepsake” – Forrest R. Church, Publisher, Jacob Kessler, Writer. “An excellent keepsake honing this village’s 150th anniversary. Something people in the community will keep for years to come.”
Best Local Feature
3rd Place – Story: “Embracing The Unexpected A Stryker Family’s Story Of Adoption” – Amy Wendt, Writer. “Lots of news outlets tell stories about adoption. Amy Wendt found a great one for The Village Reporter, as a man with two kids and a woman with two kids, both scarred by addiction, meet, marry, and add an unlikely fifth child to their blended family. Kudos for winning the trust of these folks to tell their tale.
Original Column
3rd Place – Column: “Caught My Eye, Crossed My Mind” – Forrest R. Church, Publisher. “It’s pretty cool when a publisher of a paper actually shows they are a regular person. Most times, people never know who the publisher is. The insights into the news industry are interesting.”
Community Awareness
4th Place – “Local Crime Prevention” – Forrest R. Church, Publisher