ENERGY OPTIMIZERS Board members discuss a contract proposal with Energy Optimizers while viewing the proposal from the recommended company
By: Renea Kessler
The Pettisville Board of Education held their meeting on Monday, August 14th. The meeting began at 8:00 p.m. with a prayer.
The board then approved minutes from July, financial reports, and payment of the bills.
Next, the board moved to approve personnel recommendations including the approval of Abby Osterday as an athletic trainer for the 2023-2024 school year.
The board then moved to amend the 2023-2024 school calendar to include a full-day teacher professional development day for Wednesday, May 8, 2024, as well as bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year.
The board then moved to appoint Scott Rupp to serve as Delegate and Brent King as Alternated Delegate to the Ohio School Boards Association Capital Conference.
The treasurer’s report was heard next, with it being stated that income tax came in 7% more than last July and that the school is working on digitizing all student records with the class of 2022 and 2023 still needing done.
The superintendent then went on to recommend that the board authorize a contract with Energy Optimizers.
Energy Optimizers is a company that is going to come in and replace all interior lighting with LED which will save the school some money in the long run.
The board then motioned to approve the contract before moving to adjourn for the evening.
Renea can be reached at renea@thevillagereporter.com