SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Sophie Sterken Lily Wiemken and Ella Richer each received a Pettisville FFA Alumni Scholarship to further their education
By: Lexie Poulson
Pettisville – The Pettisville FFA Alumni and Friends organization recently awarded three current FFA members with college scholarships.
Sophie Sterken, daughter of Todd and Cara Sterken, will be attending Taylor University majoring in Environmental Science. She is active in the worship team at church, Noteworthy, working at the recycle center and 4-H.
While in high school she served as reporter and participated in vet science and agronomy contests and attended state and national FFA conventions.
She raised breeding rabbits as her Supervised Agricultural Experience projects. She will receive her State FFA Degree in May.
Ella Richer, daughter of Chris and Julia Richer, will be attending Eastern Mennonite University majoring in Environmental Science. While in high school she served as the FFA Secretary, participated in soils, agronomy contests, and agriscience fairs.
She attended state and national conventions. She received third at the National FFA Agriscience Fair in Plant Science Division 3. She was active in Noteworthy, cross country and working at the recycling center.
Lily Wiemken, daughter of Tony and AnnaLisa Wiemken, will be attending Northwest State Community College majoring in Agribusiness. Lily has been active in 4-H, church and working at the recycling center.
In FFA, she served as Student Advisor and President. She participated in agronomy, grain merchandising and parliamentary procedure career development events. She attended state and national conventions and will receive her State FFA Degree in May.
The Alumni are proud to be able to support these Pettisville students in their pursuit of higher education in the agriculture industry.
FFA Alumni Affiliates were formed to operate in support of over 8,900 local chapters in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Their purpose is to help today’s agricultural youth by joining together in a united volunteer effort to assist FFA, promote a greater knowledge of the agricultural industry, and support education in local agricultural education programs.