PUBLIC SPEAKING TEAM … From L to R: Ella Richer – Advanced Prepared CDE, Sophie Sterken – Extemporaneous CDE, Ava Genter – Creed CDE, Courtney Wiemken – Creed CDE. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
At the District 1 FFA Public Speaking CDE (Career Development Event), held at Anthony Wayne HS, Ava Genter won the FFA Creed Event, Ella Richer was 4th in the Advanced Prepared Event and Sophie Sterken was 11th in the Extemporaneous Speaking Event.
Ava will advance to the state competition in March. Each contest could have had 14 speakers.
Ava said “The creed contest is a great opportunity for students to not only practice their public speaking skills, but communication skills as well.”
“By answering questions after my speech, I found it helped me communicate with adults, but will also help me communicate in a job or business setting in the future as well.”
The FFA Treasurer’s Book, Reporters Book and Secretary’s Book all earned Gold Ratings at District Evaluation.
The officers’ books were scored for completion, neatness, and organization. The chapter treasurer is Delana Damman, the reporter is Karter Zachrich, and the secretary is Mina Wesche.
They will be recognized for their Gold Ratings during the Ohio FFA Convention in May.
Karter Zachrich submitted his Ohio FFA Degree application for district and state review next month.
Clara Damman and Karsen Pursel submitted their American FFA Degree applications for state review.
In late January the chapter had the opportunity to hear about state FFA activities and learn about leadership from the Ohio FFA President, Aubrey Schwartz.
Lily Wiemken said “Aubrey was here and taught most of our classes about team work and communication, the students enjoyed her presence in the ag room, Aubrey is a sweet, and caring person and Pettisville was very happy to have her this last month.”