NEW CLASSES COMING… President Brent Hoylman seen here with Treasurer Chris Lee at the February 14th, 2022 Pettisville School Board meeting, and the rest of board members were pleased to hear of three new classes being added for high school students. (PHOTO BY LINDSAY PHILLIPS, STAFF)
By: Lindsay Phillips
The February 14, 2022 Pettisville School Board Meeting began at 7:00 p.m. with a prayer. President Brent Hoylman called the meeting to order followed by Treasurer Chris Lee taking the Roll.
The Board moved on to approve the minutes from the previous January 10, 2022 meeting.
Additionally approved were the Payment of Bills as submitted and the financial reports. Richard Short, Pettisville Schools Custodian for the past 22 years, will be retiring, effective July 1st of 2022.
The Class of 2023 is currently short of its desired $8,000 for expenses, as COVID kept the school from holding the usual fundraisers.
A transfer of $1,860.64 from the High School Principal account to the Class of 2023’s account was approved and will help provide necessary funds. Lee’s Treasurer Report was approved.
Elementary School Principal, Jason Waldvogal gave his report mentioning that Pre-Registration is now open. Also mentioned was the start of state testing at the school, which will wrap up in roughly four weeks.
Pettisville Junior High students participated in Fulton County’s 61st Annual Spelling bee. Among thirty-five other participant’s, Pettisville JH student, 8th grader Genevieve Heising took first place.
High School Principal, Michael Lane, reported three new courses starting next school year. These classes are Adulting 101, Music Production, and a Guitar Class.
Adulting 101, which is starting this semester and will be taught by Ms. Litogot, will teach students tools and life skills they will use in the future.
Some topics found in this class will be: how to change a tire, check your fluid levels, and financial skills such as checking accounts and credit cards.
Motions were approved by the board to offer Jamie Fox a three-year contract to become Pettisville Schools’ Student Services Coordinator and to offer Shannon Saffel a one-year contract to become the Pettisville Schools Elementary Counselor.
With no further business, the Board moved to an executive session “for the purpose of the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion or compensation of an employee or official, or the investigation of charges or complaints against an employee, official, licensee or student unless the employee, official, licensee or student requests public hearing” at 7:28 p.m. and ended at 8:12 p.m.
Lindsay can be reached at