January 14th
•600 Blk South Allen, parking violation
•United Steelworkers, 500 E. Wilson, business check
•200 Block East Maple, parking violation
•846 E. Mulberry St., Wellness check, suicide
•Shawnee Salon, 728 E. Mulberry St. Assist req. civilian
•1500 W. High St. blk, accident no report, vehicle into a house across from 1525 W. High
•1500 W. High St. blk, crew, car into house
•CHWC Hospital, 433 W. High St., assist req. civilian
•Edgerton/Walnut, assist other department, male passed out outside his vehicle
•512 S. Williams St., junk vehicles
•Walmart, 1215 S. Main, shoplifting
•Main/Bryan, traffic stop, brake light
•123 Avenue A, larceny
•914 S. Beech St., assist req. civilian, keep the peace
•Bryan Police Department, 304 W. High St., property found
•South/Union, traffic stop
•Union/South, traffic stop
•Colonial/Union, traffic stop
•409 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian
•Union Trailer Court, 600 S. Union St., forgery/fraud
•715 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian
•Circle K, 923 S. Main St., accident no injury
•Circle K, 923 S. Main St., general, vehicle leaking antifreeze
•Tractor Supply, 1120 S. Main St., auto suspicious
•1313 Horton Trail, burglar alarms
•CHWC Hospital, 433 W. High St., assist req. civilian
•100 W. Butler St. blk., traffic stop, headlight out
January 15th
•High/Portland, traffic stop
•CHWC Hospital, 433 W. High St., assist req. civilian
•1313 Horton Trail, burglar alarms, unable to locate
•Main/Wilson, traffic stop, speed, citation issued
•Foxglove Apartments, 105 Palmer Ln., trespass
•808 S. Walnut St., juvenile complaint
•Arby’s, 1400 S. Main St., assist EMS with unknown emergency
•Fountain City Ice House, 110 W. Mulberry St., disturb peace, fight
•602 S. Main St., harassment
•Super Wash, 1101 E. High St., auto suspicious
•S. Union at Titan tire, traffic stop, speed
•251 Yager St., property damage, referred to Napoleon PD
•715 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian
•614 E. High St., suspicious person, unable to locate
•300 E. Mulberry St. blk., traffic stop, muffler violation, citation issued
•Allen/Butler, traffic stop, expired registration, citation issued
•Main/Wilson, traffic stop, speed, citation issued
•Main/Butler, traffic stop, one headlight
•Walmart, 1215 S. main, lockout
•100 S. Lynn St. blk., disturb peace, noise complaint
•Bryan Community Apartment, 916 E. Wilson, trespass
•St. Rt. 15 north of the city, traffic stop, speed, warning issued
January 16th
•South/Lynn, traffic stop, one headlight
•221 N. Myers St., hang up 911
•700 E. High St. blk., traffic stop, white light to the rear
•Bryan Main Stop, 232 S. Union St., traffic stop
•Meadow Creek Apartments, 1700 E. High St., disturb peace, noise complaint
•Imagination Station, O Horton Trail/NE W. Dale Dr., auto suspicious, out with two vehicles, advised subjects of park hours
•Taco Bell, 1104 S. Main St., traffic stop, speed, citation issued
•1125 Bellaire Ave., assault
•Shiffler Cemetery, assist other department
•Oakwood Trailer Park, 6695 St. Rt. 15, crew, co check, In Service
•715 E. Bryan, disturb peace
•Bryan Mobile Home court, 511 N. Union St., dog complaints
•1125 Bellaire Ave., assist req. civilian
•110 La Glyda Ct., parking violation, owner moved vehicle
•Union Trailer Court, 600 S. Union St., general, electrical fire
•Walmart, 1215 S. Main, traffic stop
•YMCA, 1 Faber Dr., hang up 911
•200 E. Perry St. blk., parking violation, BBS Towing has vehicle
•12850 St. Rt. 34, general
•Walmart, 1215 S. Main, shoplifting, adult arrest
•326 W. Butler St., family trouble, advice given
•CHWC Hospital, 433 W. High St., assist other department
•1400 N. Main St., accident no injury
January 17th
•Main/Bryan, traffic stop, failure to dim
•Titan Tire, 927 S. Union St., lockout
•McDonalds, 1207 S. Main St., lockout
•CHWC Hospital, 433 W. High St., assist req. civilian, Lifeflight arriving
•Goodwill, 1210 S. Main St., vandalism
•Town and country, 1210 E. High St., trespass
•326 W. Butler St., assist req. civilian
•Old Town buffet, 1257 S. Main St., B&E
•341 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian
•Shell Spee-D-Mart, 911 E. High St., assist req. civilian
•715 E. Bryan St., disturb peace
•900 W. High St. blk., trash complaint, advised street department
•Vacant shop, 215 W. Bryan St., messages
•Defiance County, warrants faxed to CCNO to be served, adult arrest
January 18th
•112 E. Trevitt St., suspicious person, unable to locate
•100 Avenue B blk., parking violation, ticket issued
•Town and Country, 1210 E. High St., crew, fire alarm canceled by key holder
•116 Country Club Rd., crew, first responders
•Bryan Municipal Court, 1399 E. High St., burglar alarm
•914 S. Beech St., larceny, civil matter
•903 E. Maple St., assist other department
•715 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian, well being check
•Main/Brunicardi Way, hazardous condition, semi trailer with a long piec of shrink wrap dragging behind it, unable to locate
•Creek Landscape, 1840 E. Wilson St., harassment
•416 N. Allen St., auto theft
•428 N. Allen St., assist req. civilian
•1125 Bellaire Ave., assist req. civilian
•Bryan Municipal Court, 1399 E. High St., burglar alarm
•810 W. High St., assist req. civilian
•South St. at the park, traffic stop, tail lights
January 19th
•Main/Maple, traffic stop, headlight
•Bryan Elementary School-new, 1301 Center St., hang up 911
•876 Trevitt St., assist req. civilian
•321 N. Lynn St., assist other department
•716 S. Lynn St., assist req. civilian
•715 E. Bryan St., assist req. civilian
•206 Glen Arbor Dr., assist req. civilian
•Bryan Police Department, 304 W. High St., warrants
•Plaza Motel, 1604 S. Main St., crew, fire alarm
•506 Holden St., property damage, owner just wanted advice
January 14th
•State Route 109, At County Road E – Assist other police agency
•Delta Preschool, 714 Taylor Street – Safety Issues
•Delta Community Pool Parking Lot, 511 Taylor Street – Information
•Green Acres Trailer Park, 475 West Main Street Lot 9 – Domestic Violence
January 15th
•Swan Coin Laundry, 800 Main Street – Assist Public
•475 West Main Street Lot 9 – Juvenile Abuse, Neglect
•906 Main Street – Trespassing
January 16th
•Delta Kiwk Stop Gas Station, 205 West Main Street – Assist Public
•316 Crabtree Lane – Missing Person/Juvenile/Run Away
•307 Monroe Street – Nuisance Complaint
January 17th
•Taylor Street at Main Street – Assist other police agency
•101 Oakview – Trespassing
•101 Oakview Drive – Criminal Damage/Vandalism
January 18th
•306 Oakview Drive – Assist other police agency
•300 Hidden Ridge – Assist Public
•NRI Industries, 6401 Rogers Road – Assist Public
•700 Fernwood Street – Domestic Dispute
•Delta Reservoir Upper Parking Lot, County Road H – Suspicious Vehicle
January 19th
•Marco’s Pizza, 816 East Main Street – Traffic Safety Complaints
•107 Elmwood – Assist Public
January 20th
•Delta High School, 605 Taylor Street – Sex Offense Other
•Green Acres, 450 West Main Street Lot 37 – Zoning Violation

January 1st
•North Main at Norfolk Tracks – Non injury crash
January 2nd
•County Road 1-1 and Academy – Non injury crash
•Dodge Street – Unruly Juvenile
January 3rd
•North Main Street – Accidental Alarm
•South Main Street – Found Dog
•Chestnut Street – Civil Dispute
•North Main Street – Noise Complaint
•South Hallett Avenue – Welfare Check
•Volleywood Drive – Dispute
January 4th
•South Hallett Avenue – Welfare Check
•Swanton High School – Unruly Student
•County Road 3 – Assist Deputy
•West Airport Highway – Suspicious Person
•Lincoln Street – Injured Person
January 5th
•Airport and Turtle Creek – Warrant Service
•Sanderson Street – 911 Hang up
•Hallett and Garfield – Debris in the roadway
•Dodge and Main Street – Reckless Driver
•Paigelynn Street – Identity Theft
•South Main Street – Loose Dog/Found

January 6th
•Chestnut Street – Property Damage
January 7th
•South Main Street and Airport – Non injury crash
January 8th
•Paigelynn Street – Domestic Dispute
•Franklin Street – Domestic Dispute
•Main Street Railroad Crossing – Train blocking street
January 9th
•Garfield and Clark – Assist Fire Department
•Turnpike – Assist Ohio State Patrol
•North Main Street – Accidental Alarm
•Dodge Street – 911 Hang up
•Chestnut Street – Suspicious Vehicle
January 10th
•Pilliod Park – Suspicious Person
•Fairfield Drive – Online Suspicious Activity
•East Airport Highway – Lost Dog/Returned
•Turtle Creek – 911 Hang up
•Lawrence Street – Identity Theft
•Veronica Street – Juvenile Issue
•East Airport Highway – Assist Deputy
January 11th
•Turtle Creek Drive – 911 Hang up
•Oak Street – Debris in the road
•Holiday Lane – Suspicious Activity

January 12th
•Peachtree Lane – 911 Hang up
•West Airport Highway – Unruly Juvenile
•East St. Clair – Unauthorized Use
January 13th
•Airport and State Highway 64 – Assist OSP Crash
•Chestnut Street – Citizen Assist
•East St. Clair – Welfare Check
January 15th
•Veronica Street – Rescue Assist
January 10th
•Ordinance violation
January 11th
•Traffic crash

January 12th
•Disabled vehicle
•Unsecured premise
•Driving under suspension, warning
January 13th
•Property damage
January 14th
•Keep the peace
•Well-being check
January 15th
•911 hang up
January 16th
•Speed, warning
January 12th
•435 E Linfoot St., investigate complaint
•485 E. Airport Hwy, animal call
•230 Clinton St., lost/found, recover
January 13th
•721 Wauseon Senior Villas, solicitors
•534 Cherry St., welfare check
•1462 N Shoop Ave., accident (property damage)
•612 W. Elm St., runaway or unruly
•485 E. Airport Hwy, larcery
January 14th
•335 E. Chestnut St., junk/abandoned vehicle
•Monroe St. @ W Oak St., animal call
•125 Marshall St., suspicious person
•840 W Elm St. Unit 203, investigate complaint
•1285 N Shoop Ave. Unit 13, 911 hang up
January 15th
•507 N Fulton St., funeral escort
•1150 N Shoop Ave., suspicious vehicle
•230 Clinton St., investigate complaint
•Commercial St. @ S Fulto, suspicious vehicle
•1487 N Shoop Ave., investigate complaint
•840 W Elm St. Unit 705, telephone harassment
January 16th
•375 Joanna Dr., investigate complaint
•234 Vine St., runaway or unruly
•138 E. Chestnut St., runaway or unruly
•714 Fairway Dr. Unit 206, welfare check
•234 Philomena Dr., juveniles
•218 N Fulton St., welfare check
•485 E Airport Hwy, alarm drop
January 17th
•1379 N Shoop Ave., alarm drop
•425 Cole St. Unit 401, stolen car
•438 Marshall St., assault
•239 Clinton St., domestic violence
•425 Cole St. Unit 401, welfare check
•320 Sycamore St., 911 hang up
January 18th
•N Shoop Ave @ E Linfoot, disabled vehicle
•495 E Airport Hwy, accident (property damage)
•230 Clinton St., investigate complaint
•Imagination Station, juveniles
•840 Parkview, response to resistance
•Lincoln St @ W Park St., suspicious vehicle
•476 E Airport Hwy, alarm drop
•335 Royal Bounty Ln, 911 hang up
•1036 Arrowhead Trail, alarm drop
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Ronnie Denudt, 60, previously pleaded guilty to Attempted Trespass in a Habitation When a Person is Present or Likely to be Present. He attempted to trespass in a habitation.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Denudt to 1 year of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, pay restitution of $35 to the victim, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, have no contact with the victim, and serve 7 months in CCNO, with credit for 121 days already served.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Denudt spending 11 months in prison.
•Krystal Boulton, 39, previously pleaded guilty to Theft. She stole merchandise from a store.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Ms. Boulton to 1 year of community control and ordered her to pay prosecution costs, pay a $1,000 fine, serve 2 days in CCNO within the next sixty days, successfully complete the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program, pay restitution of $1,231.27 to the victim, and complete 90 hours of community service with a non-profit organization within the next 180 days.
Failure to comply could result in Ms. Boulton spending 180 days in CCNO.
•Whiteman, Joshua E (Bryan) FL To Reinstate. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $500.00
•Whiteman, Joshua E (Bryan) Expired Plates. Cost: $40.00 Fine Amount: $35.00
•Fidler, Kristen E (Pioneer) Expired Registration. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $40.00
•Birky, Katelyn E (West Unity) A.C.D.A. Waived Amount
•Hake, Brandi K (Montpelier) 70/55 Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $40.00
•Roelfs, Ean J (Montpelier) 67/55 Speed. Waived Amount
•Bowden, Tyler L (Bryan) DUS-FTA/LIC FOR. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $350.00
•Bowden, Tyler L (Bryan) 71/55 Speed. Cost: $40.00 Fine Amount: $50.00
•Coward, Rael M (Bryan) 48/25 Speed. Waived Amount
•Patten, Justin J (Bryan) O.V.I. No Future Violations Within Next 3 Years. Jail Time: 40 Days; Jail Suspended: 30 Days. Cost: $84.00 Fine Amount: $750.00
•Patten, Justin J (Bryan) A.C.D.A Cost: $40.00 Fine Amount: $50.00
•Garza, Rodney D (Bryan) FRA Suspension. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $200.00
•Ridgway, Trevor B (Bryan) No Drivers License. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $350.00
•Bush, Chrystal L (Edgerton) Follow To Close. Waived Amount
•Karalis, Dennis A (Montpelier) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount
•Pelland, Stacey L II (Edgerton) Fail Control. Waived Amount
•Zehr, Taylor R (Alvordton) Seat Belt. Waived Amount
•Geesey, Ian D (Bryan) Falsification. Defendant Plead Guilty; Found Guilty. No Future Violations Within Next 2 Years. Cost: $84.00 Fine Amount: $300.00
•Jackson, Angela C (Montpelier) Disorderly Conduct. Defendant Plead No-Contest; Found Guilty. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $75.00
•Henderson, Kenneth L (Bryan) Fugitive. Defendant Held Without Bond. Waived Amount
•Wilson, Thomas J (Montpelier) Flee/Elude. Defendant Requested Continuance To Retain Counsel. Bond: $5,000.00
•Wilson, Thomas J (Montpelier) Break & Entering. Defendant Requested Continuance To Retain Counsel. Defendant shall sign an O.R. bond.
•Zuber, Chasity (Montpelier) Storage Of Trash. Defendant Plead Guilty; Found Guilty. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $50.00
•Hug, Christopher J (Edon) Felon Assault. Defendant Requested Continuance To Retain Counsel. Bond: $15,000.00
•Johnson, Emalee A (Alvordton) Disorderly Conduct. Defendant Plead Guilty; Found Guilty. Cost: $90.00 Fine Amount: $100.00
•Stemen, Ronald L (Wauseon) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount
•Brock, Sean (Wauseon) Expired Plates. Waived Amount
•Quintanilla, Noah A (Wauseon) 54/35 Speed. Waived Amount
•Saunders, Noah D (Wauseon) 72/55 Speed. Waived Amount
•Isaacson, Julia A (Archbold) Expired Plates. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $12.00
•Thatcher, Grace A (Delta) F T Y Right Way. Waived Amount
•Amos, Heather N (Swanton) Expired Plates. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $150.00