By: Jeremy Scott
A semi driver was struck and killed as he was exiting his truck near the intersection of St. Rt. 66 and Henry Co. Rd. W on June 27th. According to a press release by the Henry County Sheriff Department and a report from the Archbold Buckeye, Evan Baka, 37, Sterling Heights, Michigan had stopped his semi in the northbound lane of the highway and was exiting his cab.
“In the process of exiting his cab, Evan Baka stepped into the southbound lane of St. Rt. 66, and into the path of a southbound pickup truck driven by Roger Knape, 55, Archbold. The vehicle operated by Roger Knape had the right-of-way through the intersection.” “Baka was fatally injured as a result of the collision” the release stated.
Along with the HCSD deputies, Ridgeville Township Fire & Rescue, Archbold Fire & Rescue, Archbold police, and workers from the Ohio Department of Transportation. The Sheriff’s Department is investigating the incident.