MONTPELIER – On October 11, 2015 the Ohio State Highway Patrol responded to a one vehicle crash which occurred at approximately 11:43 p.m. Sunday evening on State Route 576 just south of the Ohio Turnpike in Superior Township, Williams County.
A 2002 Ford driven by 36 year old Eva M. York of Montpelier was southbound on SR 576 when she drove off the right side of the roadway. Mrs. York over corrected and then drove off the left side of the roadway striking a utility pole and overturned several times before coming to rest on all four wheels.
There were two other occupants in the vehicle. 39 year old Kenneth R. Farley Sr. of Montpelier who was ejected from the vehicle and 17 year old Kenneth Farley Jr. was also in the vehicle.
Mrs. York and Mr. Farley were both air lifted to St. Vincent’s Hospital in Toledo. Mrs. York was wearing her seat felt, but both Farley’s were not.
The subject’s conditions are considered serious and the crash remains under investigation. The Highway Patrol was assisted by Williams County EMS Life Squad and the Montpelier Fire Department.
(Information provided).