SHS CLASS OF 1944 Walter Tug Guthrie was recognized for attending the banquet as his class of 1944 was the oldest represented at the event
By: Amy Wendt
On Saturday, August 19, 2023, the SHS Alumni Association held its 119th Banquet honoring the 75th, 50th, and 25th reunions for the classes of 1948, 1973, and 1998. Stryker High School is the only school in Williams County to still have an active Alumni Association.
Kicking off the evening, Superintendent Nate Johnson treated all alumni members interested to a tour of the newest areas of the SHS campus.

SHS CLASS OF 1948 Honored for their 75th class reunion were Helen Warren Frank and Colene Aschliman Rich
Once the crowd gathered back into the Elementary’s multi-purpose room, Amee Hancock Meyer from the Class of 1998 welcomed attendees.
David Stuckey from the Class of 1982 provided the invocation before the delicious meal was served.
Following the dinner, Heidi Paxton provided musical entertainment for the guests to enjoy before the business portion of the meeting commenced.

SHS CLASS OF 1973 Ed Ruffer Bobbie Ruppert Williams Becky Sloan McClarren Bill Gillespie and Linda Andrews were honored for their 50th class reunion
Class of 1969 member Pamela Bernath Oberlin took a moment to recognize the members of the Class of 1948 for their 75th anniversary, the Class of 1973 for their 50th anniversary, and the Class of 1998 for their 25th anniversary.
Walter (Tug) Guthrie, a member of the Class of 1944, was also recognized for attending the banquet. His class was the oldest represented at the event.
Superintendent Nate Johnson had the honor to present the newest members of the SHS Alumni from the class of 2023:

SHS CLASS OF 1998 Amee Hancock Meyer was the sole representative of the Class of 1998 who celebrated their 25th reunion Amee is pictured with her husband Brooks Meyer from the Class of 1999
Levi Shane Barnu, Jessie Jean Currier, Olivia Jaye Marie Elling, Matthew Jacob Froelich, Jakob Charles Gaskill, Macaila Ann Goebel, Leah Faith Heeres, Kaleb Huffman, Elijah Andrew Juillard, Abbie Rose Meyer, Maddyson Joy Miehls, Kaitlyn Jo Myers, Natalie Tate Noble, Jeffrie Alan Pace, Brayden John Robert Parsons, Gabrielle Maria Ramon, Jaydin David Rethmel, Adryan Elizabeth Sanchez, Kaitlyn Mercedes St. John, Kassandra Grace Stuckey, Mateo Tomas Villanueva, Nicholas Stephen R. Vollmar, Emily Mae Weisgerber, Emmalyn Taylor Westrick, Alexia June Wickerham, and Sage Morgan Woolace.
Class of 2023 president Emmalyn Westrick then offered a response on behalf of all the newest members.
The next SHS Alumni Banquet is slated for May 18, 2024.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com