As Stryker school held their open house for the start of the new 2013-2014 school year, the Stryker School Board met in regular session.
Among several items on the agenda, Superintendant Nate Johnson asked the board to approve the agreement between Stryker and North Central Local Schools to provide transportation for students to and from Four County at a cost of $3,500. It is not known yet how many students will use the transportation, but it is required to be provided even if there is one student in need of the transportation.
“I personally want to thank Superintendant Boyer, they have held that price for this over the last 8 or 9 years. We appreciate partnering with them and working with them,” state Johnson.
Superintendant Johnson also asked the board to approve the lease/purchase agreement for a special needs van with a wheel chair lift. The district does currently have a lift, but it is on a large bus and “it is needed”, states Johnson.
The board approved the 3-year agreement as they approved the previous van purchase a few years ago.
Another recommendation was to approve a cash transfer from the General Fund to the cafeteria fund of $10,000 for the school year. Upon discussion, it was stated that the funds in the cafeteria budget were low partially due to the change in food requirements which have proven to be costly (i.e. fresh fruit, quantities) and an addition to the cafeteria staff. Last year’s budget was based on estimated cost and it has and will be adjusted accordingly. The board did approve the transfer.
Vice-president Terry Blosser told the board of an email he received from a youth sponsor from a local church, thanking Mr. Maroon and the administration for allowing band students who attend a church service on Wednesday eveningsĀ to attend.
Superintendant Johnson also wanted to thank the school personnel, students and organizations that participated in the Stryker Homecoming last weekend.
- Donations: Ford Drive One 4Ur school: $2,300 was split between the athletic and general fund
- Congratulations to the golf team for their win in the Edon invitational
- Teachers completed the new PARCC assessment training in the summer; was pilot tested last year and it is state funded
- Recommended to approve the contracts for: Laura Moser, Art Club; Shaun Fulk, Jr High AD; Tonya Moreland, Jv/V cheerleading advisor; Lindsi Rufenacht, Mentor; Kathleen King, Mentor; Melanie Baldwin, Mentor; Shane Marshall, Mentor; Donneen Dyes, Mentor
- Recommended to approve and set the CFO salary at $53,020 per contract addendum effective August 1, 2013
- Recommended to approve the update to resolution 13-023 relative to the security arrangements and emergency response protocols
The board will meet in regular session on September 10th in the High School art room.
- Recommend to approve the 2013-14 agreement with the Wood County Juvenile Detention, Training and Rehabilitation Center at $60.00 per student, per weekday for assigned JDC student and $55.00 per student, per weekday for assigned JRC students
- Recommend to approve the MOU (memorandum of understanding) with the Stryker Education Association for the addition of Art Club to the Supplemental schedule as presented
- Recommend to approve the NwOESC substitution lists for the 2013-14 school year
The board will meet in regular session on September 10th in the high school art room.