SPRINGFIELD TOWNSHIP Josh Dennison discusses a dog park and what is needed to make it happen with council
By: Renea Kessler
The Village of Stryker held their meeting on Monday, April 15th. The meeting began at 6:00 p.m. with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
In the first order of business, council moved to approve the minutes from the previous meeting as well as the financial report.
The council had a visitor from the Springfield Township Park Board. Josh Dennison came in to talk about the possibility of putting a dog park in on Curtis Street behind the cemetery. There is already 7-8 acres of land cleared and ready to go.
The park would be about 900 square feet total and would cost about $48,000. Mr. Dennison explained that he has some park district funds that can be used for the project but additional funds will be needed.
A safety concern was brought to the attention of council as there is no sidewalk on Curtis Street leading to where the park would be.
Council explained to Mr. Dennison that there is no option for a sidewalk on Curtis because of the slope of the land.
The dog park will be free to use but there will be policies in place for dogs to be spayed/neutered and inoculated to ensure the safety of the public.
Hydrant flushing will begin May 13th for four days. Residents should expect rusty colored water and the village suggests not doing laundry on these days. Halloween has been set for October 26th from 5:30-7 p.m. with Fall Fest taking place as well.
Council wants to remind everyone to slow down especially on Allison Street where the ball fields are, it is ball season and kids will be out heavy in that area. Also, with grass mowing season, do not blow grass into the streets as it clogs the drain.
With nothing else left to discuss, council moved to adjourn at 6:39 p.m. The next regular meeting will be May 20th.