VISION FOR THE FUTURE Dr Haadia Amin OD prepares to cut the ribbon at Swan Creek Vision a new clinic located at 108 S Main Street in Swanton The clinic will offer a comprehensive range of vision services In addition Dr Amin specializes in scleral lenses for those with corneal degeneration and has experience diagnosing and treating dry eye glaucoma macular degeneration and diabetes related eye issues among other conditions A public grand opening will be held at the office on January 20 Pictured are from left Swanton Village Administrator Shannon Shulters Megan Sonnleitner Swanton Valley Director of Marketing and Admissions Rebecca Padilla Dr Amin Swanton Chamber of Commerce Board Member Seth Thomas Lori Mossburg Swanton Village Council Member John Schmidt Swanton Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Delray Busch and Mayor Neil Toeppe