Bryan 2,302 Swanton 1,963
BRYAN – Dakota Brandeberry fired games of 214 and 227 for a 441 to carry Bryan past Swanton 2,302-1,963.
Conner Williams scored a 422 series after rolling a 214 and 208 for Swanton.
At Bryan Lanes
SWANTON (1,963) – Balonex 169-135; Bates 188; Gossett 102; C. Lafferty-Reside 166-127; S. Lefferty-Reside 126-166; Williams 214-208; Swanton Baker 362
BRYAN (2,302) – Brandeberry 214-227; Craig 198-152; Douglas 139; Muhe 156-169; Singh 183; Stoy 158-161; Bryan Baker 545
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