RETURNING FROM A BREAK … The Swanton Village Council discusses items on the agenda regarding public service following their return from a recess. (PHOTO BY JACOB KESSLER)
By: Jacob Kessler
The Swanton Village Council held their meeting on Monday, August 23rd. The meeting was started with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and roll call.
Council then moved to approve the agenda, with amendments made and presented, followed by the minutes for the previous meeting on August 9th.
Council then discussed the presence of personnel from Fortmeyer in regard to the appeal that was made from them.
The Village recently reviewed accounts and noticed that some were commercial but were not being charged the proper amount for the storm water system.
It was decided not to give any retroactive charges out, but all accounts identified as commercial that were not paying the correct amount, will now be required to pay the correct amount.
Fortmeyer appealed this and it was decided to give a 30% discount to them. Fortmeyer again appealed that decision stating that they do not contribute to the storm water system.
Paperwork had been sent in from Fortmeyer but was received the morning of the meeting and was not able to have been looked over properly by the time of the meeting. It was asked to have time to review the appeal paperwork and to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
Next, council moved on to committee reports with Public Service’s David Pilliod going first. He informed the council that, in regard to the Waterville Swanton construction project, the committee had moved forward and voted to allow a homeowner to construct a driveway. A motion was made and approved, contingent on all legal aspects.
Mr. Pilliod then moved on to the issue of a tree that was taken down at 102 Oak Street by the homeowner. A motion was made to pay for half of the cost taken in by the homeowner, due to it being on city property, and despite the homeowner not following proper procedures with the village, as stated during a previous meeting when the subject matter was discussed.
Council woman Kreuz stated that she did not like the way Mr. Pilliod stated the issue, stating that she thought he stated it was failure on the council and village administrator’s part.
Mr. Pilliod stated that he did not state that, and that he was saying the proper procedure was not followed on the part of the homeowner.
A vote then took place with it being stated that the motion failed. Mr. Pilliod then asked Fiscal Officer Jennifer Harkey to explain the legal aspects of it to Mr. Sheperak, who is the homeowner in question and was present during the meeting.
It was pointed out that not every member voted on the matter, leading to a new vote being called. The vote ended in a tie with the mayor breaking the tie in a yes vote to pay Mr. Sheperak half the cost of the tree removal fees.
A recess was then called on, but not voted on, with council members leaving the chamber area to go behind closed doors. Arguments between members of council and Mr. Pilliod took place regarding the legality of the issue and the amount of money in the village accounts and why it would not be possible to pay the full $2,541 for the tree removal. Council reconvened at 7:18 p.m.
Council continued with discussions for public service and discussed the VFW parking issue. Council acknowledged an individual present from the VFW. Council Woman Kathy Kreuz mentioned that they do want to give them the parking spaces, but that they also want to keep the area a green space.
A motion was made to move forward with the project with the motion passing. Kathy Kreuz then stated that a section is being looked at for parking of vehicles with a purpose for law enforcement.
The parking area will be on village property and will not be open to the public. The EMS contract was then discussed. The village is waiting on clarification for some items that was on the contract.
It was also stated that a separate meeting regarding Capital Requests will be taking place.
In old business, a third reading for the amendment of Ordinance 2003-48 took place. A motion was made to approve the amendment which passed.
In new business, the second reading for a Resolution regarding authorization being given to the Village Administrator to submit an application to participate in the Ohio Department of Development water and wastewater infrastructure grant program. A motion was made to approve the resolution which passed.
Council then moved to hear the administrators report. Aden Dzierzawski reached out to the village and wishes to build bat boxes at Memorial and Pilliod Parks.
The boxes would help with insect control and each box would fit 200 bats. The village will use the bucket truck to place the boxes with village personnel. 2021’s fall bulk drop off day will be on September 18th from 8:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. This year, a full trailer and full truck bed will count as two trips.
Brush pickup was completed the week of August 16th. The Ohio Department of Development Grant submissions were sent into the County and State. Updates for multiple projects were also given as well as communications updates.
A report for personnel then followed with the first item being that a letter was sent to Mr. Ben Steiner removing him from the fire department roster due to inactivity. The last shift worked by Mr. Steiner was July 25th, 2020, which was over a year ago.
Council then entered into executive session. While in executive session, the council promoted an individual to the position of Superintendent of Water Resource Recovery and hired an individual temporarily for the fire department to fill some shifts.
Executive session then concluded at 8:31 p.m. as well as adjournment.
Jacob can be reached at