HEALTH PRESENTATION … Sara Casper (left) and Katie Brown (right) from the Williams County Health Department gave a presentation on Women’s Health to the Three Arts Club.
PRESS RELEASE – The February meeting of the Three Arts Club was held at the West Unity United Methodist Church.
The guest speakers were Sara Casper and Katie Brown from the Williams County Health Department. They gave a presentation on women’s health.
They explained how important it is for women to get a yearly checkup, yearly blood work, and to get the recommended immunizations.
Check for early signs of breast cancer and skin cancer is very important. They explained the six signs of a stroke: BE FAST.
B – Balance is unsteady
E – Eyes – blurry vision
F – Face drooping
A – Arms drooping
S – Speech slurring
T – Time is of the essence, call 911
The meeting was then called to order. Sixteen members answered the roll call, “Your favorite candy bar”. The secretary and treasurer’s reports were approved as read.
A thank you was read from Marilyn Royal for our donation of $1,000 to the Rings Cemetery Restoration Project. Thank yous were also read from Hilltop Science Fair winners Isabella Ackley and Brooklyn Kuszmaul for sponsoring their awards.
It was voted to give a case of canned chicken and a case of canned beef to the West Unity Library food pantry. It was voted to give a $15 donation for an ad in the program for the upcoming Hilltop spring musical “Willie Wonka” which will be performed on March 7, 8, and 9.
The Club is planning another Reverse Purse Raffle on Saturday, April 5 at the Kissel Building. The committees gave updates. Everything is going as planned. More updates will be given next month.
The meeting was then adjourned. Delicious refreshments were served by co-hostesses Tina Lopez and Joan Rohlf.