By: Bill O’Connell
On September 2, 2020 administration members of the Village of Delta and various department superintendents met to discuss each department’s needs for 2021. The budget does include each department’s request without putting a strain on the Village’s finances.
The Village’s proposed budget of $5,710,362 for all funds in 2021 continues to focus on economic development, a safe and secure Village, sound governance and vibrant neighborhoods. They seek to achieve those goal by investing in improving citizen communication and engagement, continuing public safety performance and accountability, expanding housing options, addressing and improving aging infrastructure such as sidewalks, roads, water mains and sewers, and maintaining a strong commitment to core service delivery.
The budget also listed an estimate of several revenue sources for 2021 including Municipal Income Taxes ($1,145,828), Property Taxes ($348,124), Interest Earnings ($38,475) and Intergovernmental Revenues (unknown at this time).
The Village anticipates approximately $796,000 in capital project spending to begin in 2021 that includes Street Improvements and Sidewalks ($248,850), Park mand Pool Improvements ($19,000), Vehicles, Equipment and Systems ($132,075), Water & Sewer Treatment Plant Infrastructure ($234,500) and Building and Downtown Improvements ($162,000).
The General Fund Budget will continue to stabilize the following funds: Police Fund (4426,190), Sewer Fund ($90,000) and Downtown Development Fund ($150,000).
The Water Fund Budget is anticipating a 60% increase ($125,000) from 2020 for continued repairs in the distribution system. The Ohio EPA mandates of the Asset Management Program has the Water Fund increase overall budget by 26% from 2020 projected expenses. A few projects that re being scheduled for 2021 will include painting and cleaning clear wells, Scada upgrades, reverse osmosis filter replacement, air compressor replacement and a process audit.
In the Sewer Budget the only project anticipated is for the Lift Station at County Road 9.
Bill can be reached at