RIBBON CUTTING L to R Jean Ward Director of Toledo Metroparks Diane McGilvery Mayor of Whitehouse Gene Markley NORTA Vice President Ed Snyder NORTA President Diane Evans TMACOG Transportation Planner Steve Pauken Mayor of Maumee
On March 24, 1994, the Northwestern Ohio Rails-to-Trails Association (NORTA) took acquisition of the former Norfolk Southern Railroad property on which to develop a recreational rail-trail for public enjoyment.
Shortly thereafter, a ribbon-cutting was held in Colton, Ohio (Henry County) that signified the official opening of a short section of the Wabash Cannonball Trail on the South Fork.
On March 23, 2024, once again NORTA trustees, members, and trail supporters gathered in Colton, this time to celebrate the 30th anniversary of trail acquisition.
NORTA President Ed Snyder welcomed attendees and shared a bit of history behind NORTA and the development of the Wabash Cannonball Trail.

Due credit was given to the individuals whose dedication to the cause and countless hours of volunteer work are responsible for making the dream a reality.
Those in attendance enjoyed homemade chili, refreshments, a picture walk along the trail, and musical entertainment with “the rumble and the roar” of Jerry Eicher’s rendering of “Wabash Cannonball”.
The South Fork of the Wabash Cannonball Trail runs from the Jerome Road area in Maumee (Lucas Co.) to Liberty Center (Henry Co.).
The North Fork runs from the same Jerome Road area west across the entire length of Fulton Co., and onward to Montpelier (Williams Co.). For more information, visit www.wabashcannonballtrail.org.