GOALS … Larry Zimmerman (far right), Wauseon School Board and Finance Committee member shares financial goals with the Board as Board President Amy Fisher, Treasurer/CFO John Kahmann and Alice Allen look on. (PHOTO BY AMY WENDT)
By: Amy Wendt
The Wauseon Board of Education met for a regular meeting on Monday, December 12 with a full agenda.
Board member Larry Zimmerman presented a report on behalf of the Finance Committee, which in addition to Zimmerman, is comprised of Superintendent Troy Armstrong, Treasurer/CFO John Kahmann and Board member Curt Crew (who was absent).
Zimmerman shared that the Finance Committee meeting “felt like it was very productive.”
He went on to explain, “There is what we are calling “true cash days”. In 2019 we had 107 true cash days, so if you understand what true cash day means, it means that…if we weren’t getting any money, we will have 107 days worth of funds to fund everyday…Fast forward to 2023 and we have 39 (true cash) days.”
“So obviously we know we have a problem because we went back to the public and said we need money,” Zimmerman continued.
“As a finance committee, we really looked at trying to set a goal, and our goal is somewhere between 90 and 120 (true cash) days.”
Treasurer Kahmann added, “Having 90-100 true cash days, that amount of reserve was (needed) because we can’t react quick enough.”
“If we need to increase revenue, we know there’s only a couple of ways the school district can do that, and it takes time to create that revenue. ”
“If we do have an expenditure problem, it takes time to go through that process of where we can cut the budget.”
Zimmerman continued, “One of the other things that really hit me as a business owner, in 2019, our percentage of revenue expended was at 93%.”
Revenue expended has also increased to 100% in 2020 and 102% in 2021. Zimmerman further noted, “2023 we are at 113% of money spent. It just doesn’t work. We are going to set a goal at 95% or less.”
“As it stands right now, we are in bad shape.” Zimmerman stated.
Treasurer Kahmann added, “As a reminder, I know this was talked about a lot during the campaign, we do not start receiving income tax money until calendar year 2023 and it starts trickling in.”
“So, we’re in no better shape today in what we were,” Zimmerman continued, “but we have light at the end of the tunnel because of what the public allowed.”
Superintendent Armstrong indicated that the school district will be seeking three community liaisons to serve alongside the existing Financial Committee members to ensure community involvement.
A press release will be sent to media outlets by the end of the week to notify the public.
In other agenda items, Mr. Eric Sauber, Operations Supervisor, presented the board with an overview of the new building automation system.
The new system allows the maintenance department to control and monitor climate and lighting for all of the school buildings both onsite and from a remote location if necessary.
A representative from Great Lakes Biomedical spoke to the board about Random Drug Testing Program options for the school district.
Great Lakes currently also has drug testing contracts with other area schools including: Archbold, Bryan, Evergreen, and Swanton.
A tentative 2023-2024 School Calendar was then discussed. Armstrong pointed out that the suggested calendar in front of the board was developed by the Wauseon Education Association Leadership Team based on a suggested calendar from the administrative team.
The recommended calendar proposes students starting about a week later than normal, on August 21.
Armstrong stated that he has had many in the community inquire why Wauseon usually starts so early in August in comparison to other area districts.
Armstrong also pointed out that the Christmas break would be shorter due to the proposed later start date.
In the tentative calendar, the Spring Break and Easter Break are also tied together.
Armstrong noted that the calendar “looks significantly different than our calendars have in the past.”
No action was taken, and the calendar will be voted on after the new year.
Earlier in the 2022, the school board partnered with Dr. Chris Harben Asst. Teaching Professor of Management at Penn State Behrend to complete an analysis and strategic plan for the district, and he was on hand to update the board on that project.
Harben advised that surveys have been sent to school district staff members and many responses have already been returned.
The next step will be for Harben and his students to condense that data to identify key categories and “crystalize those into a report that we will use at our meeting.”
Harben continued, “The more data that you have, the more effective we can plan.”
Harben’s next steps are to create surveys to target students and parents. “This will be additional data that we can utilize in January when we have our meeting just to give us some overview.”
The next Strategic Planning Meeting will be held on January 20 from 9:30 am to 2:00 pm.
Approved by the board during the regular meeting:
- Minutes from the previous Board meeting.
- The Treasurer’s Consent Items were also approved as presented. The Treasurer’s Monthly Financial Report included Cash Reconciliation, Check Register, Financial Summary Report, Fund Summary Report, Revenue Report (Calendar/Fiscal), General Fund Comparison Report and Donations received for the month.
- 2023 Amended Appropriation Resolution.
- Superintendent’s Report – Personnel Items:
- Approve the Rachel Wixey and Associates Substitute List as presented.
- Offer a one-year limited classified contract to Richard Eric Hunter as a WEVS 2 Hour cook Floater at Step 0 on the approved salary schedule, retroactive to November 21, 2022.
- Offer a one-year limited classified contract to Jessica Williams as a WHS Teacher Aide at Step 1 on the approved salary schedule, retroactive to November 21, 2022.
- Approve a request for parental leave from Erin Cheesbro, effective January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023.
- Approve the transfer of Mallorie Hannon from a WPS Teacher Aide to a WES Teacher Aide, retroactive to November 28, 2022.
- Accept the resignation for the purposes of retirement of Greg Walker as a WES 5th Grade Teacher, effective June 1, 2023.
- Accept the resignation for the purposes of retirement of Sandy Eyer as a WMS Sweeper, effective January 1, 2023.
- Approve Tom Burkholder as a van driver.
- Offer a one-year limited certified supplemental contract to Erin Mazurowksi as the Assistant Softball Coach for the 2022-2023 school year at Step 0 on the approved salary schedule.
- Approve the following students at Athletic Department Workers for the 2022-2023 schoolyear: Ella Hageman Landon O’Dell.
- Approve Tara Tedrow as an Athletic Department Worker for the 2022-2023 school year.
- Approve Blake Pitzen as a Volunteer Wrestling Coach for the 2022-2023 school year, retroactive to November 11, 2022.
- Approve the following individuals as volunteer coaches for the 2022-2023 school year:
- Harlee Floss – Volunteer Softball Coach.
- Kody Moden – Volunteer Boys Tennis Coach.
- Joe Schneider – Volunteer Wrestling Coach.
Other approved items from the superintendent’s report include:
- NEOLA Bylaw Policies addition/revisions for a second reading.
- The Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding-EdChoice Vouchers Resolution authorizing payment of dues set at $2.00 per district pupil.
- Community Reinvestment Area Agreement with Rama Tika Management, LLC. as presented.
- Tax Incentive Donation Agreement between the Wauseon Exempted Village School District and Rama Tika Management, LLC. as presented.
- Four County Career Center Board of Education Appointment of Larry L Fruth as representative for a three-year term commencing January 1, 2023.
- Wauseon Exempted Village Board of Education 2023 Organizational Meeting set for Monday, January 9, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. with President Pro Tempore Amy Fisher presiding.
The meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm.
The January Organizational Board of Education meeting will be held on Monday, January 9, 2023 at 5:30 p.m. at the Board of Education office.
Amy can be reached at amy@thevillagereporter.com