DRAWING … Wauseon Chamber of Commerce Director Bill Drummer and Administrative Assistant Susan Hanely stand with prize winner Jim Flory in front of the Wauseon Chamber of Commerce building.
By: Jacob Kessler
The Wauseon Chamber of Commerce recently held their annual Restaurant Week Competition. The event this year was held from Saturday, February 22nd to Sunday, March 2nd.
During the week of the competition, restaurant week card holders would have a sticker placed on their card. After receiving five stickers, the user would fill out the contact portion of the card and turn it into either the Chamber of Commerce or one of the participating restaurants.
Each of the cards were then placed into a drawing that would see 14 people winning a $25 restaurant gift certificate, and 1 grand prize winner.
This grand prize winner would come into possession of a 65-inch Samsung Smart TV. Prizes were sponsored by Wal-Mart and the Chamber of Commerce.
This year saw 70 submissions, which equates to 350 visits to restaurants due to this competition. The grand prize winner, and recipient of the 65-inch Samsung Smart TV was Jim Flory.
Jim was congratulated and awarded the TV on Thursday, March 7th up at the Chamber of Commerce building.