The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, November 15th at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Council first moved to approve the minutes for the previous meeting before hearing committee reports.
A summary of the November 1st Finance Committee meeting was given with it being stated that the remaining covid funds, in the amount of $134,952, were discussed.
It was decided to use $40,000 to install R-Tech Fiber Optic and $90,000 on a Raw Screen Digestor due to it being a necessity. A motion was made for the 2021 appropriation ordinance to be amended to allow for the use of COVID Relief Funds to install R-Tech Fiber Optic and a Raw Screen Digestor. The motion was approved.
A summary of the Tree Commission was then given with it being shared that the city currently charges $360 for the Memorial Tree Program which includes a tree and a plaque.
A recommendation was made to change the price to $250 by purchasing more cost-effective trees. Council member Griggs stated that after planting five trees, there will still be enough money left over in case one of the trees fail. A motion was made to lower the cost of the Memorial Tree Program from $360 to $250 which passed.
The Park Board Summary followed after with three recommendations. The first recommendation was for the creation of a Memorial Bench Program. The benches would be placed in one of the twenty spots marked out at Homecoming Park or would replace existing benches at a cost of $2,500 each.
The second recommendation was to revise the shelter house reservations that would then go into effect on January 1st, 2022. The revisions would provide different rates for residents and non-residents.
Homecoming Park and Rotary Park would have a $200 fee with a $150 deposit for residents and a $225 fee with a $175 deposit for non-residents. Reighard Park would have a $60 fee with a $40 deposit for residents and a $85 fee and $65 deposit for non-residents.
It would also allow for residents to reserve the shelters first by opening up rentals for the year in January for residents only.
Non-residents would be able to start renting shelters in February.People would not be eligible to reserve shelters unless they are current with the income tax department and their water/sewer bill. John Arps would also like to change the reservation opening hours from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
The third and final recommendation was to convert the existing basketball court at Homecoming Park into three pickleball courts. Motions were made to approve each recommendation with each motion passing. Council then moved on to matters of legislation.
Council heard the Second Reading for Ordinance 2021-10 to amend section 925.04(b)(2)(C) and (D), Section 929.21(e)(1) and (2), and section 933.01(b)(3) and (4) of the codified ordinances of the City of Wauseon. A motion was made to approve the ordinance which passed.
In new business, council moved to approve the 2022 council meetings schedule followed by a motion to approve the employee Christmas gifts which was also approved.
Mayor Huner then congratulated Clerk of Council, Brooke Baumgartner, on being in her role for six months. A motion was then made to approve a Christmas gift for the Clerk of Council which passed.
Council then moved to approve the bills, and with no further business being addressed, council moved to adjourn at 5:20 p.m.