JIM KERR … President of Wauseon Downtown Association, Jim Kerr, spoke to Wauseon City Council at the November 7, 2022 council meeting, letting them know that due to a situation with the Wauseon Holiday Committee, the WDA will not be doing the parade this year. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Wauseon Downtown Association (WDA) president Jim Kerr addressed Wauseon City Council at the November 7, 2022 regular meeting.
Kerr expressed his hurt and frustration with what he characterized as “the over reach of the Wauseon Holiday Committee (WHC) concerning the Wauseon Christmas Parade.”
He shared with council that WDA got a letter in July stating that the WHC will be taking over the parade this year and that WDA immediately responded that this would not be necessary.
He went on to share that as the parade has been put on for over 20 years by this totally volunteer group, he does not understand by what authority the WHC can just take it over.
Likening it to taking over the church chicken dinner or Homecoming or the Cruise-In, Kerr said that would not be acceptable and neither is this.
He spoke of all the many volunteers who through the years have put in time and effort to put on the parade and stated that the Wauseon Downtown Association will not be doing it this year due to this situation.
He asked council to read the letters of which he had given them copies and make a judgement call to not let this happen again.
Other points he made were: WDA is a volunteer/community organization; when he started working with the parade, they had seven entries and over the 20 years they are over forty each year; when they turned in the form to the police department to hold the parade this year it was rejected; and they already had forms online for people to sign up to be in the parade, as well as many participants had been contacted.
Mayor Kathy Huner thanked him for sharing and asked Wauseon Holiday Committee chairperson Keith Torbet for a response.
Torbet said that over the months they have tried to contact Kerr and have gotten no response so it was the unanimous vote of the WHC to take over the parade.
He mentioned concerns they had about last year’s parade. Kerr stated that even though there was really bad rainy/snowy weather last year, the 2021 parade was a success.
Mayor Huner said that she wished he had chosen to come to the committee meeting to which he was invited, to share this info instead of doing it at the open council meeting.
Councilor Sarah Heising thanked Kerr and the WDA for all they have done over the years to make it a great parade.
Councilor Brandon Tijerina asked if the WHC does it this year, will WDA support it and Kerr did not directly answer that.
He restated that WDA will not be doing the parade this year as they do not have enough time now. He asked council not to let that happen again.
Council moved on to further business, hearing Department Head reports next.
- Fire Chief Phil Kessler reported: Fire Prevention Month school visits went well; Halloween was successful with fire trucks “out and about with candy”; hiring new full time employee; working with bargaining unit; free smoke detectors are available through the Red Cross.
- Police Chief Kevin Chittenden reported: Drug Take Back Day at the end of October went well with over 50 pounds brought in (the 24/7 Drop Box in the lobby is available and being used); Trick or Treat was a safe and happy evening; Patrol test scheduled for November 12 has four applicants; December 10th is Christmas for Kids beginning for Fulton County.
- Director of Public Service Keith Torbet thanked everyone for their comfort to his family in the loss of his grandson; leaf pick up is in full swing; street projects are getting wrapped up before winter; Drop Matrix form for EPA and lead and copper requirements for EPA forms are being done; the water tower is in line to be inspected before too cold; McDonalds is close to completion
- Director of Finance Jamie Giguere reported that tax collections are up almost 18% this month and she is working on the 2023 budget. She is excited that they can have an employee Christmas party again this year.
- Director of Law Tom McWatters III said that he is reviewing the Ordinance draft changes.
Councilor Heising gave a report for Personnel Committee Meetings held on November 1 and November 4, 2022.
She brought a recommendation that the City of Wauseon enter into an agreement with Paylocity for HR and Payroll Solutions.
Councilor Shane Chamberlin made a motion to move that recommendation, and the resolution for it, to after the executive session was held near the end of the meeting.
Council all voted to approve his motion to hold off on voting about the recommendation from Personnel Committee.
In legal business, council voted to approve:
- Resolution 2022-27 to amend Ordinance 2021-14 Annual Appropriation Ordinance by authorizing the director of finance to increase or decrease certain line account appropriations within the various funds listed within the year of 2022 (final reading)
- Resolution 2022-28 authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement for Indigent Defense Services in County Court with the Fulton County Commissioners (First Reading)
- Resolution 29 moved till after executive session
- Resolution 2022-26 authorizing the mayor or her designee to accept the lowest and best bid and to enter into a contract with the lowest and best bidder for the refuse franchise (second reading)
In new business council approved the 2023 schedule of council meetings and to approve the employee christmas gifts.
Approval was also given for payment of bills. At 5:50, council took a brief recess before going into executive session for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official.
Following executive session there was action taken with a motion to table the recommendation from the committee concerning hiring Paylocity and to table the resolution concerning them as well.
With no further business they adjourned.
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com