The Wauseon City Council held their meeting on Monday, March 20th. The meeting began at 5:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Minutes from the previously held meeting were approved next before moving on to hear department reports.
Fire Chief Phil Kessler gave a report for is department and informed council that they are doing a lot of educational projects.
National Registry Recertification has been finished up and crews spent a day going over cardiac response and another day over Life Flight and emergency medicine.
He then informed council that the Union Contract process went smooth and that it will be voted on with Resolution 2023-5.
Public Service Director Keith Torbet then gave his report and stated that his department is working on redoing the restrooms at Homecoming Park.
He is hoping that the restrooms will stay vandalism free. They will also be working on cleaning up the parks around the city.
A tree assessment was also done at Reighard Park with the results showing that there are no trees that need to immediately come down. Lastly, Mr. Torbet stated that brush pickup will be starting on April 1st.
Moving on to committee reports, Council President Stiriz gave a report from the previous Tree Commission Meeting on March 6, 2023.
He explained that the committee is working on planning the Tree City USA event that Wauseon will be hosting.
Council President Stiriz then gave a report from the previous Park Board meeting on March 14, 2023. He explained the two of the recommendations are to accept Rotary’s playground projects.
He also explained that the Park Board is recommending a change to the shelter house contract. The following motions were then approved.

A recommendation to accept the Rotary’s donation for new playground equipment at North Park.
A recommendation to allow the Rotary to move forward with the planning of a new playground at Homecoming Park near the pavilion.
A recommendation to remove #7 from the current contract and to develop a second contract for non-profit organizations and the school to include a cleaning fee. The following legislative action was also approved by council.
Resolution 2023-5 authorizing the mayor to enter into an agreement with the Wauseon Professional Firefighters LAFF, local 5223, and declaring an emergency.
Following approval of the resolution, council moved to approve payment of the bills as presented.
With no other business to attend to, the meeting was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.