Per CDC and Ohio Department of Health (ODH) recommendations, the Williams County Health Department has adopted the following updated quarantine guidance: Quarantined individuals (close contacts) exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID-19
•Quarantine may end 10 days after contact with the COVID-19 case without testing if no symptoms have developed during daily monitoring.
•Persons released from quarantine on day 10 should continue to monitor symptoms until 14 days after exposure and follow COVID-19 safety measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
•If symptoms develop, individuals should immediately self-isolate and contact their healthcare provider for testing.
•The WCHD does not recommend testing as a method for reducing quarantine shorter than 10 days as testing is limited and results can be delayed.
Quarantining is an effective, scientifically proven method to control of spread of COVID-19 in our community. People in quarantine should stay home, separate themselves from others, monitor their health, and follow directions from the WCHD or their medical provider.
For the more information on the updated guidance from the CDC, visit the following links.
General public guidance:
Medical provider information: