Have you ever wondered why your local cemetery is located where it is? What is the meaning of the symbols on the tombstones? Is anyone famous—or infamous—buried there?
Throughout the month of August, Denver Henderson, Williams County Public Library Programming Manager, will lead guided tours of cemeteries located in the WCPL branch communities of Pioneer, West Unity, and Stryker. Each tour will focus on cemetery history, stories of those buried in the cemetery, and interesting tombstone art.
The tour schedule is as follows:
Pioneer, Floral Grove Cemetery, August 6: Floral Grove Cemetery was created in 1883 by moving the old Pioneer Burying Ground from downtown Pioneer to its present location. From that time until today it has served as the main cemetery for the village of Pioneer and Madison Township.
West Unity, Floral Grove Cemetery, August 13: Part of Brady Township and just south of West Unity, the Floral Grove Cemetery developed around the 1869 stone built German-Methodist church, located on the cemetery property. The cemetery features some of the most interesting examples of tombstone architecture in Williams County.
Stryker, Oakwood Cemetery, August 20: Located in Springfield Township, the exact date the Oakwood Cemetery was founded is unknown. However, records show that the cemetery was being used as early as 1864. The cemetery is filled with interesting stories of those past, including Congressional Medal of Honor awarded, Civil War Union soldier, William J. Knight, of Stryker, OH.
All tours will begin at 6 pm, and are FREE adult programs. Those wanting to attend, will meet at the cemetery, for each tour. No registration is required.
For more information, call Denver Henderson at 833-633-7323 x 285, or email denver@mywcpl.org.