•103 Christine Dr., Found Property
•306 Brussel St., Unwanted Person
•109 Pleasant St., Community Service
•918 Monterey Ct., 911 Hang Up
•N. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•104 Miller Ave., Larceny
•100-B E. Lutz Rd., Juvenile
•100-B Hawthorn Dr., Parking Violations
•N. Defiance St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•Franklin St. @ Norfolk Southern RR, Road Blocked
•100-B S. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•300-B W. Barre Rd. Community Service
•500-B Lafayette St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•100-B S. Clydes Way, Traffic Offense / Warning
•305 E. Lutz Rd., Domestic Trouble
•812 Stryker St., Hit-Skip
•100-B N. Defiance St., Road Blocked By Train
•216 Meadow Rd., Welfare Check
•111 Burke St., Miscellaneous Complaints
•200-B Stryker St., Traffic Detail
•200-B N. Defiance St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•100-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•400-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning (4)
•300-B Stryker St., Traffic Offense / Warning
•206 Vine St., Make Contact For WPD
•S. Defiance St. @ W. Barre Rd., Traffic Offense / Warning
•301 Park St., Found Property
•121 West Field Dr., DOA
•1409 Colonial Ln. Lockout.
•Wal-Mart. Disturb peace. Complainant requests officer; report taken.
•4675 County Road 15-75. Assist other department. Request officer.
•617 N Walnut St. Assist civilian. Request officer.
•Northwestern Federal Credit Union. Assist civilian.
•Bryan Animal Hospital. Lockout.
•Wal-Mart. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•Wilson St / Allen St. Auto violation. Complainant reported that a vehicle hit him and took off.
•325 N Lynn St. Assist civilian. Well-being check.
•812 Haver Dr. Harassment. Report taken.
•West Bryan Main Stop. Assist civilian. Drive-off report.
•McDonald’s. Property found.
•Union St / High St. Hazardous condition. Traffic lights are out.
•Bona Vest / Greenfield Dr. Report of wires sparking / arcing pieces on the ground.
•Toy St / Wilson St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
Plaza Senior Center. Assist civilian. Well-being check.
•West High St. Hazardous condition. Tricycle in the middle of the roadway.
•Sumpter Field / Mayberry Dr. Non-injury accident.
•Bryan Police Department. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer.
•615 S Cherry St. 911 hang-up.
•Center Ridge Rd / Markey Dr. Auto violation. Report of vehicle driving slow and going over the center line; unable to locate vehicle.
•931 W High St. Dog complaints. Report of dog attack.
•3rd Rail Saloon and Brewery. Suspicious person. Unable to locate.
•708 N Cherry St. Suspicious person. Complainant reported a person knocked on her living room window; requests extra patrol.
•Bryan Main St. Auto violation. Report of possible impaired driver; unable to locate.
•215 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request officer for keep the peace.
•216 E Hamilton St. Parking violation. Report of a vehicle blocking his driveway; vehicle moved.
•First Federal Bank. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•Union St / Titan Tire. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•1700 E High St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•1209 E Wilson St. 911 hang-up.
•1700 E High St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•400 Pleasantwood block. Parking violation. Vehicles were parked legally before the sign for no parking with starts at 400 Pleasantwood to Portland St.
•Bryan St / Main St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•716 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Request officer assistance; gave advice.
•Lynn St / Hamilton St. Disturb peace. Report of a loud motorcycle in the area; unable to locate.
•Main St / Perry St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; two headlights required.
•Bryan Police Department. Warrants. Warrant service; faxed to CCNO to be served.
•200 E Bryan St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; driving without headlights.
•N Walnut St / elevator. Suspicous person.
•Main St / High St. DWI / OVI. Traffic stop; arrest made.
•Colonial Manor Motel. Narcotics. Agency assist; report taken.
•506 E High St. Breaking & Entering. Complainant reports a person trying to get in his residence.
•Portland St / Arthur Dr. Traffic stop. Warning issued; expired plates.
•Center St / Townline Rd. Assist other department. WCCA reports a red Trailblazer headed toward Bryan had traffic offenses in the county.
•102 W Foster St. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; gave advice.
•100 N Union St block. Assist civilian. Report of man and woman arguing; unable to locate.
•South St / Union St. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•4313 County Road 15-D. Assist other department. Agency assist; report taken.
•Bryan Police Department. Warrants. Report taken.
•830 E Wilson St. Family trouble. Report of male and female fighting.
•1012 Buffalo Rd. Assist civilian. Request officer; gave both parties advice.
•1106 Bavarian Ln. Assist civilian. Request officer report taken.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Assist civilian. Request officer report taken.
•East End Pool. Suspicious auto.
•Spangler Candy / Portland St. 911 hang-up.
•800 E Edgerton St. Injury accident. Report taken.
•100 Avenue B block. Assist civilian. Request to speak with officer; requests extra patrol.
•1202 Bavarian Ln. Accident. No report.
•Hamilton St / Man St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; improper turn.
•1106 Cardinal Dr. Assist other department. WCCA request unit, respond with medics; report taken.
•T&T Communications. Family trouble.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Trespass. Complainant reports that a former co-worker is at her residence refusing to leave.
•340 W Bryan St. Indecent exposure / Liberties. Report of an indecent exposure.
•915 E Bryan St. Violation of CPO / TPO. Report of violation of protection order; report taken.
•Recreation Park. Lockout.
•924 Downing Dr. Family trouble. Report of domestic violence; report taken.
•Garver Shelter. Assist civilian. Report of persons put a substance on the playground equipment.
•Mattie Marsh park. Suspicious auto. Unable to locate.
•319 S Beech St. Family trouble. Accidental dial; female has left for a few hours.
•Townline Rd / High St. Accident. No report.
•Pencil Box Tattoo. Assist civilian. Complainant request to speak with officer regarding his brother-in-law.
•884 E Trevitt St. Assist civilian. Complainant requests to speak with officer regarding issues with her roommate.
•300 E Hamilton St. Assist civilian. Complainant reports her adult son took off from home.
•618 S Myers St. Juvenile complaint. Complainant reports her 11-year-old son is out of control.
•509 S Lebanon St. Assist civilian. Request a well-being check.
•403 E Bryan St. Juvenile complaint. Complainant reports a juvenile kicked in the door to vacant house.
•Imagination Station. Narcotics. Officer was flagged down by a person finding a drug related item.
•326 S Portland St. Disturb peace. Report of a loud argument at the house on the corner; unable to locate.
•110 N Lynn St. Harassment. Report of telecommunications harassment; report taken.
•Minteq. Narcotics. Report finding hypodermic needles behind the building.
•Field 3 / Wildcat Field. 911 hang-up.
•Wal-Mart. Harassment. Complainant request to speak with an officer regarding being harassed on social media.
•Sunny Dr / Avenue A. Auto violation.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Neighbor trouble. Report that the resident above him is stomping on the floor.
•400 E Bryan St block. Assist civilian. Report of juvenile walking alone; unable to locate.
•Circle K. Larceny. Report of theft; report taken.
•Beech St / Pierce St. Suspicious person. Officer with person on a bicycle; advised subject to have a rear red light on her bicycle while riding on the road.
•716 W Bryan St. Assist civilian. Received several calls from person with no answer on the other end.
•336 N Cherry St. Larceny. Report that their dog was stolen from the backyard.
•Main St / Trevitt St. Traffic stop.
•Bryan Wash & Fill. 911 hang-up.
•Majaac Inc. 911 hang-up.
•100 N Portland St. Assist civilian. Officer was flagged down regarding a person in the roadway; person was going to the hospital and did not want any help.
•120 W High St. Messages. Request officer to attempt contact with person; person no longer lives there.
•Lynn St / Butler St. 911 hang-up.
•Main St / South St. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•891 E Bryan St. Narcotics. Report a needle was found while renovating the place; disposed of properly.
•607 S Main St. Narcotics. Report finding drug paraphernalia in his yard.
•429 S Main St. Assist other department. Lucas County Children’s Service request an assist from Bryan Police Department; report taken.
•419 Fairview St. Assist civilian. Request an officer for keep the peace.
•CCNO. Warrants. Defiance County Sheriff office arrested a person on Bryan Police Department warrant; report taken.
•Sunny Dr / Avenue A. Auto violation.
•Imagination Station. Assist civilian. Request keep the peace.
•Avenue A / Oxford Ave. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•West Bryan Main Stop. Fail to pay.
•Wal-Mart. Harassment. Report of harassment.
•Dollar General. Larceny. Complainant reported that her cell phone was stolen; report taken.
•604 S Beech St. Messages. Edgerton Police Department requests that Bryan Police Department deliver a message for them.
•Oncology Center/W High St. Suspicious auto.
•400 S Lynn St block. Disturb peace. Reports that the neighbors are arguing; warned for disorderly conduct.
•622 E Butler St. Assist civilian. Request well-being check; unable to locate.
•Foxglove Apartments. Assist other department. Requests officer assistance; report taken.
•Fountaiin City Ice House. Lockout.
•1225 Bellaire Ave. Lockout.
•416 W Bryan St. Larceny. Report of larceny; report taken.
•104 S Allen St. Warrants. Unable to locate.
•Allen St/Mulberry St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; sound amplification.
•324 E Maple St. Assist civilian. Request a well-being check; no one at the residence.
•201 N Allen St. Forgery / fraud. Report of fraudulent charges; report taken.
•Lily’s Pad. Violation CPO / TPO. Report of TPO violation; no violation, spoke with both persons on the report.
•Main St / Bryan Auto Depot. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•900 Wesley Ave. Solicit without a license. Report of 2 males soliciting.
•Bryan Senior Center. Assist civilian. Well-being check; unable to locate.
•400 E Butler St block. Non-injury accident.
•Avenue A / Sunny Dr. Auto violation.
•915 E Bryan St. Vandalism.
•Oakwood Ave / Avenue B. Traffic stop. Citation issued; speed.
•100 S Beech St block. Traffic stop. Warning issued; no right on red.
•Allen St / Wilson St. Traffic stop. Warning issued; speed.
•907 Noble Dr. 911 hang-up.
•Bryan Mobile Home Court. Assist civilian.
•511 S Allen St. Juvenile complaint.
•Meadowcreek Apartments. Disturb peace. Noise complaint.
•Williams County East Annex. Non-injury accident. Report taken.
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 907, Larceny-Scam
•200-B W. Leggett St., Disabled Vehicle
•415 Cole St. Unit 18, Investigate Complaint
•722 Fairway Dr. Unit 104, Assault
•Potter St. @ Sycamore St., Suspicious Person
•247 W. Elm St., Welfare Check
•1120 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 36, Suspicious Person
•224 S. Fulton St., Suspicious Person
•612 Potter St., Animal Call
•North Park, Vandalism
•206 N. Fulton St., Debris/Item In Roadway
•703 Wauseon Senior Villas, Unwanted
•1205 N. Shoop Ave., Suspicious Activity
•00 W. Leggett St., Found Phone
•137 Washington St., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•252 W. Chestnut St., Loud Noise

•335 Royal Bounty Lane, Domestic Violence
•151 S. Fulton St., Larceny
•241 Philomena Dr., Larceny
•1060 N. Shoop Ave., Animal Call
•448 Lawrence Ave., Found Set Of Keys
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Welfare Check
•824 N. Shoop Ave., Suspicious Activity
•222 Darlene Dr., Disorderly Conduct
•129 Marshall St., Animal Call
•1085 Barney Oldfield Dr., Suspicious Activity
•800-B Ottokee St., Lost / Found / Recovered
• 230 Clinton St., Larceny
•W. Elm St. @ N. Brunell St., Accident-Injury
•Parkview, Escort / Parade
•1290 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 10, Larceny
•1090 N. Shoop Ave., Alarm Drop
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Lost / Found / Recovered
•319 Clinton St., Trespassing
•423 Cedar St., Threats / Harassment
•734 E. Elm St., Civil Matter
•223 Greco Dr., Loud Noise
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Accident (Property Damage)
•123 N. Fulton St., Trespassing
•515 Third St., Hit-Skip
•485 E. Airport Hwy., Larceny
•228 Madison St., Vandalism
•238 Madison St., Suspicious Activity
•1497 N. Shoop Ave., Welfare Check
•700-B N. Shoop Ave., Accident (Property Damage)
•485 E. Airport Hwy., 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•100-B W. Superior St., Loud Noise
•N. Glenwood Ave. @ Wagner, Disabled Vehicle
•422 E. Chestnut St., Junk / Abandoned Vehicle
•840 W. Elm St. Unit 1402, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•219 S. Fulton St., Funeral Escort
•250 E. Linfoot St. Unit 25, 911 Hang Up Contact In Person
•700 W. Elm St., Junk / Abandoned Vehicle
•810 N. Shoop Ave., Larceny
•1290 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 10, Accident (Property Damage)
•459 E. Oak St., Accident (Property Damage)
•228 Commercial St., Narcotics
•428 E. Chestnut St., Animal Call
•1290 N. Shoop Ave. Unit 10, Trespassing
•1120 N. Shoop Ave, Unit 13, Neighborhood Trouble
•200-B W. Elm St., Welfare Check

•Abandoned Vehicle (2)
•Wanted Person
•Agency Assist
•Neighborhood Problem
•Medical Emergency
•Unsecure Premises
•Suspicious Activity (2)
•Agency Assist
•Property Damage
•Speed / Warning
•Attempted Theft
•Domestic Dispute
•Breaking and Entering
•Citizen Assist
•Animal Problem
•Keep the Peace
•Found Property
•Well-Being Check(2)
•Wanted Person / Arrest
•Drug Complaint
•Traffic Crash
•Suspicious Vehicle
•Unsecure Premises

•911 Hang-Up
•Traffic Crash
•Unauthorized Use Of Motor Vehicle
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Austin Sunderman, 31, of 5480 Co. Rd. H, Malinta, previously pleaded guilty to Trafficking in Marijuana. He did knowingly transport Marijuana, with the intent to sell it, while in the vicinity of a school.Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Sunderman to 2 years of community control and ordered him to pay prosecution costs, pay a $250 fine, stay out of bars/taverns, not possess or consume alcohol, successfully complete 60 days of TAD monitoring, be assessed for drug/alcohol treatment, and successfully complete any recommendations, and serve 5 days in CCNO, with credit for time already served.
Failure to comply could result in Mr. Sunderman spending 11 months in prison.
•Day-Hemenway, Justin E (Montpelier, OH) Drug paraphernalia. Fine: $150. Costs: $109.
•Kemp, Benjaman J (Bryan, H) Domestic violence. Fine: $300. Costs: $364. Fine: 180 days with 180 days suspended. Monitored community control for 5 years, no violent or threatening contact with victim, Hands Down program, report to probation 6/24/20 and follow any and all recommendations of Bryan Municipal probation department. Endangering children. Fine: $250. Costs: $45. Jail time: 180 days with 180 days suspended. Monitored community control for 5 years, no alcohol during period of supervision, complete parenting skills program, counseling at Renewed Mind, report to probation 6/24/20 and follow any and all recommendations of probation department. Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Lucas, Jamie N (Bryan, OH) Menacing. Fine: $250. Costs: $84. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No contact with victim.
•Vasquez, Rafeal E II (Hicksville, OH) Violate temporary protection order. Fine: $300. Costs: $90. Jail time: 180 days.
•Sprow, Brandon O (Defiance, OH) Possession. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) Fleeing/eluding. Fine: $200. Costs: $194. Jail time: 180 days with 150 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 12/20/2020, jail consecutive with all cases, no future violations within next 5 years.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) Resist arrest. Fine: $250. Costs: $135. Jail time: 90 days with 80 days suspended. No future violations within next 5 years.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) Obstruct official business. Fine: $250. Costs: $145. Jail time: 90 days with 60 days suspended. Jail consecutive with all cases, no future violations within next 5 years.
•Bishop, Christina L (Wauseon, OH) Traffic control device. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Bowling, Robert L (Edon, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $142. Costs: $79.
•Brown, Chris A (Bryan, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Brown, Ricky L (Montpelier, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Chlebek, Scott (Defiance, OH) Speed. Fine: $45. Costs: $79.
•Collins, Jason C (Bryan, OH) DUI. Fine: $750. Costs: $84. Jail time: 90 days with 80 suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 6/22/2022. No future violations within next 2 years, Recovery Services of Northwest Ohio, vehicle released to owner. Stop sign. Fine: $35. Costs: $40.
•Dubree, Bedford L Jr (Bryan, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Foulk, Patrick J (Montpelier, OH) Unsecured load. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Hahn, Amy J (Sherwood, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Harrison, Isaiah M (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Herman, David E (Bryan, OH) Failure to yield in private drive. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Johnson, Charles M (Edgerton, OH) Violation of restriction. Fine: $250. Costs: $84. Jail time: 30 days with 30 days suspended. No future violations within next 2 years. Speed. Fines; $45. Costs: $40.
•Morris, Brandon S (Archbold, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Nagel, Pierce C (Bryan, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Nickles, Crystal (Bryan, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $71. Costs: $79. Seat belt. Fine: $30. Costs: $40.
•Riehle, Logan T (Bryan, OH) No motorcycle endorsement. Fine: $100. Costs: $79. Speed. Fine: $75. Costs: $40.
•Schnitkey, Sharon L (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Shaulis, Brad A (Montpelier, OH) OVI. Fine: $650. Costs: $95. Jail time: 20 days with 17 suspended. Jail time: 20 days with 17 days suspended. Operator’s suspended until 5/16/2021, no future violations within next 2 years, 1st Timers Retreat within 90 days.
•Smith, Mikki R (Wauseon, OH) Hit/skip. Fine: $350. Costs: $84. Jail time: 90 days with 90 days suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 9/23/2020. No future violations within next 2 years. Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $50. Costs: $40.
•Sprow, Brandon O (Defiance, OH) Failure to comply. Fine: $300. Costs: $129. Jail time: 180 days with 170 suspended. No future violations within next 2 years. Failure to reinstate.
•Fine: $300. Costs: $40. Willful reckless operation. Fine: $150. Costs: $40.
•Stahler, William J (Montpelier, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Steele, Megan N (Montpelier, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $71. Costs: $79.
•Swank, Timothy L (Montpelier, OH) Speed. Fine: $46. Costs: $79.
•Tingley, Ronald S (Montpelier, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $65. Costs: $85.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) Violation of restriction. Fine: $250. Costs: $176. Jail time: 180 days with 150 days suspended. Jail consecutive with all cases, no future violations within next 5 years. Speed. Fine: $50. Costs: $40.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) 12-point suspension. Costs: $144. Jail time: 180 days with 180 suspended. Operator’s license suspended until 12/20/2022. No future violations within next 5 years. Fictitious registration. Fine: $200. Costs: $40.
•Zuver, Jonas L (West Unity, OH) Financial responsibility suspension. Fine: $200. Costs: $150. No motorcycle endorsement. Fine: $150. Costs: $40. Speed. Fine: $50. Costs: $40.
•Zwayer, Zane M (Bryan, OH) Willful reckless operation. Fine: $150. Costs: $79.

Al Katib, Yahya N (Archbold, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $93.
Barnett, Craig M (Swanton, OH) Speed. Fine/Costs: $12.
Blanco Arroyo, Jose M (Fayette, OH) Stop sign. Fine: $37. Costs: $93.
Bolton, Wayne E (Swanton, OH) Failure to yield. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Brooks, Shelly (Swanton, OH) Failed to stop for school bus. Fine/costs: $100.
Callis, Antoinette L (Swanton, OH) Fail register vehicle. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
Cole, David (Delta, OH) Physical control. Fine/costs: $585. 6-month license suspension with occupational privileges, subject to resentencing of 180 days jail and $1,000 fine if violates drug/alcohol or license laws until 6/24/2025, reportable probation for 1 year, drug/alcohol assessment and any aftercare. 72-hour OVI program.
Stoner, Lee O (Swanton, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Bucher, Joshua J (Swanton, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $85.
Davis, Hayden M (Delta, OH) Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
Friedel, Colton J (Montpelier, OH) Failure to control. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
Hawking, Gabriel (Wauseon, OH) Speed. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Lantz, Dustin L (Fayette, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
Miller, Andrew S (Pioneer, OH) Speed. Fine: $37. Costs: $93.
Navarro, Jesse J Jr (Delta, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $93.
Pfitzer, Wendy S (Swanton, OH) Physical control. Fine: $375. Costs: $85.
Puga, Rosario M (Wauseon, OH) Slow speed. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Richer, Benjamin L (Wauseon, OH) Assured clear distance ahead. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Seidel, Ralph A (Lyons, OH) Unlawful restraint. Fine: $150. Costs: $75.
Sprinke, Benjamin C (Swanton, OH) Speed. Fine: $47. Costs: $85.
Wolfinger, Stephen D (Delta, OH) Right of way. Fine: $102. Costs: $85.
Wolfrum, Matthew D (Delta, OH) Improper backing. Fine: $37. Costs: $85.
•McCullough, Nathan (Delta, OH) Menacing. Fine/costs: $250. No contact with victim and report probation. Domestic violence. Fine/costs: $250. Report probation, no contact with victim.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Dominique, Brian J (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $853.10.
•Farmers & Merchants State Bank vs Kurucz, Christopher N (Swanton, OH) Judgement amount: $653.69.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Yeary, Carrie J (Delta, OH) Judgement amount: $732.64.
•Fulton County Health Center vs Bonn, Fred E & Stephanie T (Swanton, OH) Judgement amount: $1,439.97.