West Unity – The Defiance Post is investigating a plane crash that occurred in a bean field near County Road 19.50 and County Road I.50 in Brady Township, Williams County. The crash happened on August 3rd around 1:00 PM and involved a 1946 Aeronca 7AC plane.
The plane was traveling westbound and attempting to land at a private landing strip. The plane tires caught the bean field prior to reaching the landing strip. This pulled the front of the plane down, causing the plane to strike the field and overturned as it came to rest.
The pilot of the plane, Rodney J. Britenriker, age 77, of West Unity, Ohio was treated at the scene by Williams County EMS.
The Ohio State Highway Patrol was assisted on scene by the Williams County Sheriff’s Office, Williams County EMS, and Brady Township Fire and Rescue.