The West Unity Omnibus Club had their first meeting for the new year on January 7th at the West Unity United Methodist Church. Hostess and Co-Hostess were Linda Sumner and Barb Green. Members enjoyed decorated homemade cupcakes with a side of cheese and crackers.
President Mary McCrea led the Pledge of Allegiance and the Club Collect. There were 12 members in attendance. Club member Rose Miller, shared a small story from “Hugs for Friends.”
It was mentioned that the face of a friend reflects God’s grace.” In closing Rose read from Colossians 3:12-14. After reading about “Friendship”, roll call was, “A person who has meant a lot to you”. It was special to hear about those who have encouraged us through all stages of our lives.
President Mary McCrea shared that this was their 70th year that the Omnibus Club was established. She also shared about the “Circle of Friends” 50th year celebration at Solid Rock Community Church and read memories from some of the members from that event.
Members enjoyed sharing memories of how the club has evolved over the years. Members discussed old business and new business. A donation was made to the West Unity Science Fair.
Member, Jane Short talked about the Outstretched Hands food pantry. Members will be participating in bringing items each month to help the local food pantry. The club is thankful that other organizations help with donations.
This concluded their meeting and members enjoyed fellowship time.