NOVEMBER MEETING … Shown are West Unity Omnibus Hostess Shirley Carder (left) and Co-Hostess Cheryl Grine (right).
The West Unity Omnibus Club met on Nov. 8th at 2pm at the home of Shirley Carder. President Linda Sumner opened the meeting with The Pledge of Allegiance and The Club Collect. The secretary’s report was not able to be read.
The treasure’s report was read and approved. Club members continue to send well wishes to our members who are not able to attend meetings at this time for health reasons.
Jane Short and Peg Schmucker removed the plants and flowers from the containers in town. Rose Miller was thanked for updating the wooden Christmas tree signs that were placed around advertising the Christmas Craft Show being held on Dec. 4th at the Kissell Building located in West Unity Memorial Park as well as the beautiful flyers she printed to hang in the windows of the businesses and as handouts.
Rose was also contacting The Bryan Times and The Village Reporter to advertise the Craft Show and Luncheon. Ruth Grimm confirmed that she has 33 crafters for the event. Jane Short passed around a signup list for food items and work times for the luncheon.
Hostess, Shirley Carder, set up a display of various coffee and tea cups some with advertising on them, some with chipped edges and others that were very pretty for each of the 14 members present to choose from to use for their drink that was to be provided when we would later have our refreshments.
Her presentation was an example of Value, Attitude and Kindness. Things, as well as people, can look different on the outside but it is what is within that really counts.
We were reminded to realize that riches will not bring you happiness and real riches are in good health and precious family and friends. Our attitude determines how we react to different people and situations. We can all make someone else happy with just a smile or a hug. Kindness is needed all the time to everyone and goes a long way.
Jane Short made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Connie Priser 2nd the motion. Co-Hostess, Cheryl Grine, provided twinkie pumpkin dessert and hostess Shirley Carder provided pretzels, peanuts, York peppermint patties, tea, coffee and water which was enjoyed by everyone.
Our next meeting will be our club Christmas Party at the West Unity Presbyterian Church on Dec. 13th at 2pm when we will enjoy a meal together and reveal our Secret Pals.