ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT West Unity Village Council members listened intently as Administrator Fritsch shared that hydrant flushing will take place August 14th through 17th
By: Anna Wozniak
West Unity Village Council met on August 10, 2023 at 7:30 p.m. Present were Council President Kevin Gray, councilors Shawn Blaisdell, Terri Lebowsky, Nathan Massie, and Stephen Marvin, Chief of Police JR Jones, Village Administrator Joshua Fritsch, and Fiscal Officer Sarah Higdon.
After the minutes of the July 13, 2023 regular meeting were approved as presented, council was addressed by Paul Leu, Tim Scherer, and other impacted residents about issues with ditches newly constructed by Bryan Excavating off of Church Street.
The angles of the ditches are too high for regular lawn mowers, which are meant to be run on no more than a 3:1 slope. Some residents project these ditches to have as high as a 5:1 slope ratio.
This has led to maintenance issues on ditches in an area with frequent flooding, and so residents came to relate to the council that a remedy is necessary.
Village Administrator Joshua Fritsch related that he would work to collect different solutions to present to the affected residents to see what can be done.
After the visitors left at 8:32 p.m., council moved on to reading legislation.
Resolution 7-2023-9, a resolution constructing regulations around village officials consuming alcohol and coming to work, was tabled after discussion rendered the need to speak with the village solicitor and the insurance company to see what specific parameters would be safest to enact.
The second reading of Ordinance 2023-5, which regulates the use of “under-speed” and “low speed” vehicles, and “mini trucks” was given, and then Village Administrator Fritsch gave his report.
The administrator’s report included details of the fencing of the batting cages, a waterline installation quote, and the announcement that the village will see hydrant flushing from August 14th-17th.
Council then discussed whether to waive the fees associated with property set-up for the WCPA (Williams County Port Authority), and came to the conclusion to do so, informing Fritsch that he could inform the WCPA at their earliest inquiry.
Fiscal Officer Sarah Higdon then arranged a finance committee meeting, and Mayor Don Leu reported that the streetlights should be done by September, and that Lights in the Park will be happening again this year.
Mayor Leu reminds everyone that spaces for Lights in the Park can be obtained by contacting the office, and hopes to see a great turnout this year, with businesses welcomed to participate as well.
Council then thanked the police department for work, village officials for their work, and the maintenance team for getting the brush cleared off of the fencing around the football field while the weather was in the high 80s.
The West Unity Village Council then adjourned this meeting at 9:27 p.m., with the next meeting set to take place on September 14, 2023 at 7:30 p.m.
Anna can be reached at anna@thevillagereporter.com