STILL SOCIALLY DISTANCED…Williams County Commissioners,(left to right) Terry Rummel, Lew Hilkert and 2021 President Brian Davis smiled for the camera on the morning of January 28, 2021, still very aware of the need to be careful where COVID-19 is concerned. (PHOTO PROVIDED)
By: Rebecca Miller
During the January 28, 2021 Williams County Commissioners meeting, Commissioner Terry Rummel presented a request to the Board.
“The Health Department has reached out to ask Apryl McClaine of EMA if we would be interested in spinning up a Call Center to help with the vaccine calls coming in and going out.”
“As I understand it, that Call Center would have the list on a Google Docs sheet..with all the names and information, so if somebody would call in to the Health Department number, that is getting overwhelmed,” they could be transferred to a call center where there would be a maximum of eight phones.”
Details still need to be worked out, but this would replace the “rather cumbersome” call center that was being used but has been terminated
. Rummel said that HD Commissioner Jim Watkins was unable to be on the call due to other meetings, but that he “apologizes to the citizens” for the poor quality of what they had. Presently they are taking all the calls locally and are overrun.”
“This would help to make it more efficient and give the citizens a way to find out right away if their name is on the list. The Commissioners agreed that they have no problem with this being set up and Rummel said it is “about a week out.”
In regular business, the commissioners voted to approve:
•Resolution 49 Supplemental Appropriations on behalf of WC Commissioners; Communications and Juvenile Court
•Resolution 50 Dismissing Ditch Petition #742; petitioned by Vondaile Fenicle
•Resolution 51 Entering into a Verizon Wireless NASPO MA 152 Master contract on behalf of Williams County
•Resolution 52 Entering into a contract agreement between WC Job and Family Services and Buckeye Ranch, Inc. for placement services
•Resolution 53 entering into a Contract Addendum between Williams County Recorder and FIDLAR Technologies
•Resolution 54 Approving Duplication of Benefits Policies and Procedures Plan Funding Programs on behave of MVPO

•Resolution 55 Approving Citizen Participation Plan for CDBG Funding Programs on behalf of MVPO
•Resolution 56 Approving an MOU between WC Common Pleas Court Adult Probation Department and City of Bryan regarding the placement of the Adult Probation Remote Kiosk (In discussion, Rummel thanked the City of Bryan for allowing this to be placed in city property.
“That is well over and above the call of duty for them and it is a good savings and good benefit to all of Williams County, and not just the City of Bryan. … It’s just as Commissioners we didn’t have a place to put it that was manned 24/7, so thank you Mayor Schlade for pushing that through and making that happen.”)
•Also signed were Prosecutor’s Office request for additional Sick Leave Donations; Special Hauling Permit #21-005; Job Description for R. Darrel Moore; and Commissioners’ Office PERRP Forms
•Minutes for January 25, 2021 and Bills as submitted
At 11:30 the commissioners went back into session for the purpose of a 1st Public Hearing for Program Year 2021 for CDBG.

Austin Serna of Maumee Valley Planning Organization gave a complete update to the commissioners, reviewing two documents during the hearing and answering any questions concerning all the types of grants available. The Commissioners thanked Serna for his report and the meeting adjourned at 11:55.
Rebecca can be reached at