BID OPENING … Ron Buda (left) from the Williams County Engineer’s Office opened and read the bid offer for Project 6-2024 Pavement Marking. Todd Roth (right), from the engineer’s office, was also present for the opening of the bid before the commissioners.
By: Jenna Frisby
The Williams County Commissioners met for their regular weekly meetings on Tuesday July 30th and Thursday August 1st.
Their regular meetings held in the East Annex Building were both called to order by Commissioner Bart Westfall. In attendance for both meetings were Commissioners Bart Westfall and Terry Rummel, Clerk Anne Retcher, Deputy Clerk Robin Kemp, and their Intern Elizabeth Fritsch as well as those from their perspective departments on the agendas presented.
After calling both meetings to order, commissioner Westfall asked madam clerk if there were any business items to present before them. Resolutions were then announced and presented by Fritsch.
All resolutions were read, motioned, and passed by Commissioners Rummel and Westfall. Those resolutions are as follows:
Resolution 24-0266: approving Williams County Auditor to create new lines and make supplemental appropriations from and to the following funds: Williams County Department of Aging – $515.00 from Unappropriated to Other Expense for a shortage in the line; Williams County Hillside County Living – $7,420.00 from Unappropriated to Repairs-Equipment for repairs and painting.
Resolution 24-0267: a resolution accepting and awarding bid in regards to Project #5-2024. With the recommendation from the Williams County Engineers Office the Commissioners accepted and awarded the bid to Vernon Nigel, Inc., Napoleon, Ohio – $205,173.
Resolution 24-0268: a resolution setting permanent maintenance rates of ditches for FY 25 in accordance with what the Auditor has for total parcel count as of August 31, 2024.
Resolution 24-0269: approving Williams County Auditor to create new lines and make supplemental appropriations from and to the following funds: Williams County Clerk of Courts – $5,802.58 from Unappropriated to Salaries-Employees ($5,147.45), to PERS ($655.13) for Nick Panzer Employment; Williams County Common Pleas Court – $1,741.00 from Unappropriated to Non-Capital Equipment for new lapel microphone for Courtroom 1; Williams County Department of Aging – $1,000.00 from Unappropriated to Repairs-Auto for shortage in line; Williams County Hillside Country Living – $2,346.38 from Repairs-Equipment to Repairs-Equipment for repairs; $50,000.00 from Unappropriated to Contracted Services – Nursing for contracted nursing services; $500.00 from Workers Compensation to Supplies for the purchase of additional tools.
Resolution 24-0270: a resolution approving a construction testing services proposal between the Williams County Engineer and Bowser-Morner, Inc for construction services not to exceed the cost of $7,882.00 beginning July 2024.
Other documents for the commissioners to review and sign were the credit card expenditures for the month, the Williams County Dog Warden Reports, Travel Requests for commissioner Rummel to attend two seminars coming up, one in August relating to Mayors and the other in September for Juveniles.
Commissioners also reviewed permits requests for the use of the Courthouse Square. One permit was for Never Let Go Ministries to hold their Overdose Awareness Day on Wed, August 28, 2024 from 4:00pm-7:00pm.
The other event is for Sarah’s Friends to hold their Suicide Prevention Chalking Event on Thursday, September 12 from 10:00am to 6:00 pm.
Commissioner Rummel then made motions at both meetings to approve the minutes dated July 23, July 25, and July 30, 2024 as well as for the bills to be paid as submitted by the county auditor.
During Thursday’s meeting Ron Buda and Todd Roth from the Williams County Engineer’s Office were present for the reading of the bid they had received for Project 6-2024 Pavement Marking.
The bid opened and read was from Griffin Pavement Stripping in the amount of $105,444.75. The Engineer’s estimated cost of the project was $127,506.25. The engineers with further review the bid offer and make their recommendations to the commissioners.
Buda did update the commissioners that the project out on County Rd D will be starting back up after issues had caused them to pause on the project. That construction will restart on August 19th and will cause the road to be a flagged road.
The commissioners also announced their next Coffee with the Commissioners date as being Thursday, September 12th at the Williams County Fairgrounds during the fair.
Before going into recess before their executive sessions, commissioner Rummel spoke on the EMS desperately needing a new chassis and due to timeline, they cannot wait to see if the levy passes or not.
So, he motioned for the approval of the purchase of a new chassis and cabin at a quoted price of $85,000. Commissioner Westfall seconded that motion.
If the EMS levy does not pass, the commissioners will cover the cost of the new chassis from the general fund account to ensure the EMS account is not depleted.
The Williams County Commissioners will hold their next general session scheduled meeting on Tuesday, August 6th at 9:00am in their Hearing Room located within their office at the East Annex Building in Bryan.