SIGNING THE BUSINESS AT HAND … Williams County Commissioners Brian Davis, Lew Hilkert and Terry Rummel are always busy signing papers, whether the meeting is short or long. They are seen here in action on Thursday, March 31, 2022. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
With a small amount of agenda for the morning, the Williams County commissioners moved right into approval of the following:
-Resolution 96 Transfer resolution
-Resolution 97 Electing to take the “Standard Allowance” of up to $10,000,000 as the amount of Revenue Loss for use for the Provision of Government Services under Section 603 (d)(1)(C) of the American Rescue Plan
-Resolution 98 Accepting and awarding Bid in regards to Project #3-2022, Asphalt Paving Program, to Gerken Paving, Inc. out of Napoleon, Ohio.
-Resolution 99 Entering into an agreement on behalf of WC Clerk of Courts between Clerk of Courts and Perry Pro-Tech for the purchase of a printer for the Title Office at a cost not to exceed $30 plus $.15 per page over 2,000 per month, for a term of 12 months
-Resolution 100 Approving the use of ARP Local Fiscal Recover Funds in the amount of $197,613.16 to Wiliams County IT for the following eligible expenditures: Konica Minolta $28,566.73, Civic Plus $18,510.09, Inspired Technologies, LLC $145,599.55 and $4,936.79.
-Resolution 101 Entering into a Revolving Loan Fund Contract and Loan Agreement between Rose Home and Hardware, LLC and Rose Equity Group, LLC and Williams County, in the amount of $100,000, for the purpose of funding the purchase of the business and assets at 1051 E. Main St., Montpelier and 202 East Mike St., Pioneer, and for creation of two new full time equivalent employees and retention of four employees.
-Minutes for March 28, 2022 and payment of bills
Also signed were Travel request for Lew Hilkert to attend Annual CEBCO meeting in Columbus; Dog Warden Report for week of March 14, 2022; application for Tile or Ditch Repair #2021-15, Robert L. Snyder, Trustee; Permits to work within county/township Road of Way on behalf of Toledo Edison and Frontier Communications; Title Sheet regarding CRI Resurfacing Project.
The Commissioners also held an executive session with Sheriff Tom Kochert in regards to compensation, with no action taken.
Rebecca can be reached at