SEEKING FEDERAL FUNDS … The commissioners listened to a request from Health Commissioner Jim Watkins for a letter of endorsement to secure federal funds for a consolidation project. (PHOTO BY ANNA WOZNIAK, STAFF)
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners held their Monday, March 13 session at 9 a.m. Present were Commissioners Lew Hilkert and Terry Rummel.
The commissioners signed off on some letters, passed Resolution 23-0088 (which approved appropriations due to budget shortfalls), approved the bills as presented by the auditor, and approved the minutes of the March 9, 2023 meeting before going into recess at 9:09 a.m.
At 10:17, the commissioners met with the Williams County Health Commissioner Jim Watkins to discuss an opportunity to bring in federal funds for an office consolidation project that is currently being conceptualized.
The timeline of the office consolidation project, which will put the Bryan and Montpelier Health Departments in one central location, lines up well for a congressional direct funding grant that can only be applied for every two years.
The deadline for the application was the March 18 and the Health Department was in need of two letters of endorsement in order to submit their application.
Hilkert asked that a sample letter be sent over and promised that they would get it written up in time for their Thursday session.
The commissioners then signed off on purchase documents for the Department of Aging before adjourning at 10:25 a.m.
Anna can be reached at