SQUARED AWAY The Williams County Commissioners have been hard at work the last couple of weeks to get everything squared away for the beginning of 2024
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Commissioners met twice last week, on Monday and Thursday, in regular session.
Monday started out a little after 9 a.m., with the first order of business being to approve Resolution 23-385, which approved transfer requests on behalf of Williams County EMS and Engineers Office.
The minutes from the December 14, 2023 meeting were approved as presented, and Commissioners Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall, and Terry Rummel then proceeded to sign a carry-over purchase order, a letter of support for Charter Communications, and a quote from the IT Department regarding the North Annex Building.
Commissioner Hilkert then brought up the opportunity to utilize county owned land for solar panels, using marginal spaces for a number of panels or larger spaces for solar fields.
The other commissioners shared their support in further researching this opportunity after January 1st. The commissioners then entered executive session before adjourning for the day.
Thursday started out a little earlier than Monday, with Commissioners Lew Hilkert, Bart Westfall, and Terry Rummel meeting at 8 a.m.
They began by first meeting with the Williams County Auditor, Vickie Grimm, to go over and approve the 2024 budget.
Three resolutions were passed, and the commissioners also signed the weekly Dog Warden report before approving the minutes of their December 18, 2023 meeting and the bills as presented.
Commissioner Hilkert then brought up the conversation he had with OSU retiree Jeff Dick on remaining balances owed on the chicken barn that have since been donated before entering a recess that ended with their monthly Hillside Country Living meeting with Darrel Moore.