By Jennifer Manlove – THE VILLAGE REPORTER
The Williams County Dairy Association held their annual Dairy Banquet on February 10, 2014 at the Veteran’s Memorial Building. Mr. John Radabaugh, the President of the Williams County Dairy Association began the evening by opening with a warm welcome. Mr. Dave Bistline, Vice-President of the Williams County Association gave the invocation. At that time dinner was served. After that, Mr. Radabaugh led the introductions by first applauding Auntie V’s from Angola, IN who provided a nice family style dinner. Next, the Dairy Association Officers were introduced. John Radabaugh (President), Dave Bistline (Vice-President), Norma Andres (Sec-Treas), Linda Ott (Executive Sec-Treas), and Florian (Pat) Chirra, OSU Extension Educator (ex-Officio). Also recognized were Steve & Nancy Bates and Andy & Katie Bates from the Bates Co. who provide service to the milkshake mixers. Jeff & Andrea Rosendaul from Jeff’s Dairy for their milk donation. Gary Nafzinger for his ice cream donation. Jim & Nancy Kiefer from Jacoby’s in West Unity for their cheese donation. Jason Dietsch, from Dietsch Sales & Service for the use of their trailer throughout the fair. Elected officials were also recognized. Ms. Kim Herman from the Clerk of Courts and Mr. Jason Rockey, Candidate for State Representative. Also recognized were those who are a part of the Willaims County Dairy Family. The Lloyd Bowman Family from West Unity. Dr. Leon Weaver from Bridgewater Dairy, LLC in Montpelier. Don & Tony Herman from Hermans Holstein’s in Edgerton. Kenneth Herman from Edgerton. Arnold DeKleijine from Springfield Dairy in Bryan. Cleon & Joe Krill from Twin Lakes Farms in Edgerton and Lambert VanderMade from Sherwood. The Milkshake Stand Workers include approximately 250 youth and adults who volunteered their time throughout the week of the fair were also thanked for their time and dedication. These volunteers are much need as the milkshake stand uses 771, three gallon tubs of ice cream, 197 gallons of homogenized milk, and 545 gallons of chocolate milk during fair week. In 2013, 14,000 milkshakes were served at the fair. Next a donation was made to the Fair Foundation in the amount of $2500 for the Fair Foundation Dining Hall Project. This donation was accepted by Clair Shaffer and Jean Darby.
The evening’s entertainment was Mr. Jim Barron who performs as a magician and comedian, and can also be heard on WBCL out of Fort Wayne, IN. Mr. Barron was born in Montpelier, and enjoys returning to this familiar area. His act for the evening was very entertaining and he included several audience members. After the enjoyable performance the evening concluded with Mr. Radabaugh thanking those who made the evening possible.
The Williams County Dairy Association does so much within the community. Some of the highlights of the years included: serving over 950 milkshakes at the Antique Tractor Show and Festival which benefitted the 4H/FFA youth at the Jr. Fair Livestock Auction. They made various donations to causes such as the Fair Board’s Reverse Raffle Drawing, the Thaman Building Roof Project, and providing milk for the elementary students visit to the fair, a bicycle for the Kid’s Day Drawing at the Fair. The Association also sponsored the June Dairy Promotion Poster/Banner Contest to provide eight partial scholarships for kids to attend 4H camp amongst other generous donations. They are looking forward to continued involvement in 2014.
Jennifer Manlove may be reached at