LOYAL SUPPORTERS President Pam Goll highlighted the need for the Williams County Agricultural Society to list their current sponsors and share that list with their members so that it may be ensured that sponsors are not being over taxed by being asked for donations for everything instead hoping to widen their sponsorship base and share the load amongst more supporters
By: Anna Wozniak
The Williams County Agricultural Society met for a special meeting on January 30th. The meeting was called to order because two of the three entertainers decided on for the midway this year responded that they were already booked for the projected dates.
As such, the board needed to meet to finalize this year’s fair entertainment. It was decided that a motocross program would be seen at the north midway, and that magicians would be placed underneath the pavilion this year.
The entertainment planned for outside of the north side of the Gillette building is still tentative, and as such, a motion was made allowing Dave Page to make a decision on the entertainment for that location not to exceed a cost of $1,500 a day.
An advertising allowance of $1,000 was awarded for the Winter Flea Market, and tickets for the fundraising banquet were due February 5th.
The live and silent auction is still in need of donations, and the heating system in the rabbit barn is scheduled for repair. The floors are being prepped for replacement, and the new flooring has been delivered.
It was shared that there is a necessity for redoing the bathrooms as well, especially with regards to the stall dividers.
Fundraising was then discussed by auxiliary director Caleb Haines for possibly bringing in a Girl Named Tom for the grandstand entertainment, but with a final price near $47,000, many board members fear that the cost needed for tickets to be sold at a profit would be higher than the demand to see the concert.
“At $40,000, after light and sound, you’re going to have to sell nosebleed tickets at $25,” said Dave Page.
Sponsorship was discussed, but President Pam Goll reinforced that many local sponsors are already supporting the fair in one way or another, and that they must be careful not to over-tax their loyal supporters.
“Getting sponsorship is all good and fine, but we have to make sure that sponsorship for one big thing that may not make a lot of money isn’t taking away from the other things we have committed to doing,” commented President Pam Goll.
Haines shared that he would remain respectful of those sponsors already committed to funding other things, and that he may very well be able to find other avenues of sponsorship for the event he feels is a “family friendly” time for locals to enjoy.
His want for the concert to be family friendly is directly confronted by the high price tag for the band, as those with families are not going to spend large amounts on tickets.
The community would really have to show up and pledge the funds necessary to bring A Girl Named Tom back to the area for this year’s fair, and new auxiliary director Haines is determined to breathe life into the idea.