By: : Jenna Frisby
The Williams County Port Authority met on Monday, July 22 for their regular meeting. Their meeting was called to order by Chair President Dave Newcomer at 12:02pm. Secretary Ashley Epling took roll call.
Present for the meeting were Chair President Dave Newcomer, board members Sean Rupp, Stacy Lillard, Tyson Stuckey, Bill Martin, and Tyler Sailer. Absent for the meeting were Vice Chair Dawn Fitzcharles and board member Richard Reed.
After roll call Newcomer asked for a motion to approved the meeting minutes from their July 15, 2024 meeting as presented. Rupp made a motion of approval, Lillard seconded the motion and the rest of the board was in agreement.
Financials were then reviewed by the board. Martin mentioned that it was quite significant that they have 1.284 mill in current projects. With no other comments or questions in regard to the financials, Martin made a motion to approve the financials through June 30, 2024 as provided. Stuckey seconded the motion of approval and the rest of the board members present were in agreement.
Lillard then gave an update on the boards search for vacant lots. The board was given a huge list of vacant lots back in May of this year.
Their current focus is in the Stryker area. Lillard and a few others on the board plan to go through the list by parcel numbers that were provided and reach out to property owners asking if they would like to sell their lots. Lillard also informed the board that she plans to send out another letter out to the entire village of Stryker.
Newcomer then discussed a Landbank MOU (memorandum of understanding), which the board has been working on. Currently the Port Authority is working with the Landbank as well as three other entities for this application.
As of right now the developer of the MOU wanted everyone to sign off on it stating that each party understands their responsibility and role.
The Landbank is currently in possession of the MOU reviewing it and once they sign that they understand their role, the next step will be for all parties to do a final review before submitting.
Newcomer then asked for a motion to enter into an executive session for the purpose of considering the purchase of property. Rupp made a motion, Martin seconded with the rest of the board in agreement.
Executive session was entered at 12:09pm with no expected action to take place. The Port Authority will hold their next regular meeting on August 12, 2024 in their conference room at 110 S Walnut Street in Bryan at noon.