The only issue appearing on the May 7 Special Election ballot for all Williams County voters found success in its second appearance before voters. While the proposed levy for the Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District was narrowly defeated by a 47.5%-52.5% margin last November, the levy was supported in the May Special Election and passed by a margin of slightly more than 57%. The 0.4 mil levy, which will amount to $0.04 for each one hundred dollars of valuation, is for the purpose of construction and maintenance improvements of Soil and Water Conservation District programs by the Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District and will collect $271,000 per year. The levy will run for five years and will first be due in 2014.
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The Millcreek-West Unity Local School District also saw passage of their proposed levy renewal. The levy replaces an existing levy and is for the purpose of providing for the emergency requirements of the school district in the sum of $300,000. The 4.4 mil levy, which will amount to $0.44 per one hundred dollars of valuation, passed with over 70% of voters voting in favor of the renewal. The renewal levy will run for five years and will first become due in 2015.