Save the date and plan to join your friends and neighbors for the Williams County Soil and Water Conservation District’s (SWCD) annual Field Technology Day on Thursday, August 10th.
The place to be is the Williams SWCD office in Montpelier. The event starts with a free meal at 4:30 p.m.
Learn how to save money on your agricultural acres by turning ‘RED Acres $ GREEN $!’
Sarah Moore is a Precision Ag & Conservation Specialist who works daily with landowners to target conservation to match their operation’s goals and bring in revenue.
Can conservation and profitable farming go hand-in-hand? Absolutely! One of the easiest ways to do this is through precision conservation.
Every grower knows where the problem spots are on their fields – but do you know how much it is costing you?
By targeting these small areas of the field and putting them into a conservation practice, as part of a program or another, you can turn something that may have been losing you money into profit, all while addressing resource concerns on your farm.
This presentation will address how to key in on these problematic areas using various levels of data, some of the different options available as alternative practices, and real-life examples of using a farm ledger to help you determine your return on investment.
Brent Nicol is an Agriculture Conservation Practitioner for The Nature Conservancy in Ohio, where he works with farmers to make economical and agronomic decisions while protecting Lake Erie, the Ohio River, and their tributaries.
Brent will present how to get a ‘Return on Investment with Conservation Practices’. He will show how on-farm data is sometimes underutilized but can be an important piece of farm profitability.
In this presentation, Brent will be taking a deep dive into how to utilize on-farm data to make better management decisions across the acre.
Along with on-farm data, he will also explore the agronomic and financial benefits of implementing in-field conservation practices such as no-till and cover crops to demonstrate increases in return on investment with these practices.
Continuing Education Credits (CEU) will be available: 1.0 credit for precision agriculture and 1.0 credit for crop management.
This event is sponsored by the Williams SWCD. There is no cost to attend. Call the Williams SWCD office at 419-636-9395 to make your reservations or questions.
Join us for an excellent meal and start Turning Your ‘Red Acres $ Green $’. The Williams SWCD office is located at 11246 State Route 15, Montpelier. The Williams SWCD and ODA are an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.