By: Rebecca Miller
“Good morning. We are in regular session,” Commissioner Lewis Hilkert began for the Thursday morning meeting held on April 9, 2020. “This will be our first virtual commissioners’ board session.”
“I hope everything goes well. I want to thank everyone who has participated in setting this up. IT department has done a lot of work, as well as Anne, Terry, Brian and Robin. I appreciate everything you have all done.”
Thus the work began with the commissioners voting to approve the presented Resolutions:
- Resolution 125 – Supplemental Appropriations on behalf of Williams County Commissioners on behalf of the IT department in the amount of $9,180 Know B4 three year renewal; EMS for $60,108.89 for the purchase of a new ambulance; Hillside for $113,113.60 for Electrical work for sewer plant; and Sheriff’s office for a refund of $226.
- Resolution 126 – amending Holiday Schedule to close all day on Good Friday, versus half day.
- Resolution 127 – Accepting and awarding bid in regards to Project $4-2020 Norlick Drive to Bryan Excavating, LLC from Bryan Ohio, Bid Amount is $297,865.50 as the lowest and most responsive
- Resolution 128 – Entering into memorandums of understanding on behalf of Williams County EMS with: SKLD Bryan; Fountain Park Assisted Living and Memory Care; Filling Homes Cardinal Drive Home; and Filling Home Edgly Drive Home for the use of the Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for N95 masks for use in “sanitizing” or “cleaning” the N95 masks
- Resolution 129 – Authorizing the Addendum to Resolution 20-0082 on behalf of Williams County Juvenile Probation Department to modify the Indemnification Clause
- Resolution 130 – Entering into a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of Williams County EMS regarding Byron Weaver for additional work hours in order to meet needs and provide public service during the period of this declared emergency
- Resolution 131 – Entering into a Service Contract on behalf of Williams County Job and Family Services with A Renewed Mind for sobriety treatment and recovery teams for START Program at a cost not to exceed $60,000 for a term of October 1, 2019 – September 20, 2020.
- Resolution 132 – Authorizing April McClaine, Williams County EMA deputy Director as the Primary point of contact and Terry Rummel, Williams County Commissioner as the Alternate Contact to sign all documents and in all ways act as the Authorized Agent relative to the Public Assistance Grant Program for FEMS-DR-4507-OH.
- Resolution 133 – Advertising for sealed bids for Project #5-2020 County Road J and Spot Paving, Bid opening will be on May 7, 2020 at 10 a.m.
- Also signed were the Dog Warden Report for the week of March 30, 2020-April 5, 2020; Notice of Award for Project #4-2020; Letter to Audit office regarding DCBG & HOME grants; Abandoned Gas Station Cleanup Grant Program Draw #2; Special Hauling Permit #20-010MB-365; Title Sheet for Project #5-2020 CR J Resurfacing 2020; Various then and Nows and Letter of Support regarding OJJDP Opioid Affected Youth Initiative Grant (better known as The Ridge Project).
- Minutes dated April 2, 2020 and Bills as submitted by the auditor
Meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m.
Rebecca can be reached at