CENSUS REPORT … Edgerton Mayor Bob Day shared the 2020 Census for Edgerton at the September 28, 2021 Council Meeting. The Secretary of State let them know that the count for Edgerton is 1881 residents. Day is concerned that this number is down. (PHOTO BY REBECCA MILLER, STAFF)
By: Rebecca Miller
Edgerton Village Administrator Dawn Fitzcharles reported the following at the beginning of the September 28, 2021 Village council meeting:
-they are working through the budget process and are meeting the timelines
-Getting ready to meet with each department head and will be getting the information to the Council Finance Committee to review
-Asked council to be ready to share some candidates at the October 5 meeting for the Community Reinvestment Area Housing Council appointments as they are responsible to appoint two of the members
Mayor Bob Day gave a Park Board report for the meeting held on September 8, 2021. He shared that it became more like a Chamber meeting as they are waiting on equipment. Some suggested ideas for fall decorating.
Landscaping is going on around the bandstand and he feels it is looking great. They talked about budget items and discussed the possibility of a trail to Miller Park, as a safe alternative for walkers, bikers, etc.
They have heard from the Secretary of State with official 2020 Census numbers, with that at 1,881 people in Edgerton. He stated his hopes that they can do some things to make Edgerton a growing town. Next Park Board meeting is at 5:30 on October 13, 2021.
Day announced a Community Work Day will be held on October 9th, at noon into afternoon, so that people can get to Fall Fest later.
Point of focus will be at Miller Park. He asked that any individuals or groups contact village office to let them know you are planning to participate.
Tree Commission update was given by Fitzcharles on the meeting held on September 8th. She said they will have another meeting in a couple weeks, on October 13 at 6:30.
The quadrants around town were established as well as a process to communicate complaints from residents about the trees. They have developed a strategy and are hoping it will go smoothly.
Resolution 2021-011 A resolution recognizing Public Pwer Week, October 3-9, 2021 A Weeklong Celebration of Edgerton Electric Department’s Year round service to the Village of Edgerton was approved by council. Fitzcharles shared that it is just a way to celebrate being a part of over 2000 public power communities.
She said she has sent out a series of articles that share about the power supply to educate the public. They were recognized at the AMP annual conference and they will share that at the next meeting.
Council reviewed a Credit Card report for August 16-September 15 and gave their approval for payment of bills. Fitzcharles reported that some of the Capital projects have been delayed due to COVID, but the Water Tower is coming along fine. She said that they will be getting some other projects rolling soon.
At this point in the meeting Mayor Bob Day requested that Council go into Executive Session to discuss the employment and compensation of public employees. The ES lasted from 7:18 to 7:58, at which point they went back into regular session with No action taken.
Council members took a few moments to direct questions concerning the Habitat House possibility, impervious surface study on water, and solar project situation, with Mayor and Fitzcharles giving them answers on those topics. The meeting adjourned at 8:02.
Rebecca can be reached at rebecca@thevillagereporter.com