TURBINE … Pettisville’s wind turbine has not been working due to a faulty hydraulic pump. With a new one ordered, the board of education hopes it will be running again soon. (PHOTO BY LINDSAY PHILLIPS, STAFF)
By: Lindsay Phillips
On Monday, May 9, Pettisville Board of Education held their meeting at 7:00 p.m. President Brent Hoylman began the meeting with a prayer, followed by Treasurer Chris Lee taking the roll.
Financial reports from the treasurer were accepted, along with the payment of bills as submitted for approval.
Eighteen limited contracts were approved for one-to-three-year employees. Andrew Switzer and Kathy Gruenhagen were approved for a continuing contract.
Jason Waldvogel, Elementary Principal, was approved a five-year administrative contract. Sixth grade Math and Social Studies teacher, Jason Mansfield is leaving Pettisville Elementary. He will be going on to work for Hilltop Schools as Elementary Principal.
Mansfield shared, “I have loved my time at Pettisville, the staff, the students, and the relationships that I will continue, but Hilltop is a great school with a wonderful staff, and I am very excited and blessed to become a part of their school’s community.”
Kayla Heising will be the JV volleyball coach, with Sarah Hastings as the volunteer volleyball coach.
Rodney Nofzinger was approved as a substitute lawn and grounds person, along with Christina Reiniche for a cafeteria substitute.
Principal Jason Waldvogel reported they have completed state testing, and scores are already coming back. Waldvogel shared, “Thank you Mrs. Wyman and Mrs. Gensler and all of the teachers for the hard work to get these tests accomplished.”
Field day for elementary students will be different this year, with activities taking place over two days. Students will be visiting inflatables in the gym on both days and participating in activities organized by PE teachers on one of the days. Guests will not be allowed to participate as the activities are spread over two days.
Carnival week will take place May 16, through May 20. The first day will be cotton candy day, day two is strong man/ circus performer day, day three is animal day, day four being tent day, followed by day five with class color day.
Some upcoming field trips for elementary students include Camp Palmer for grades fifth and sixth, Wildwood Metropark for first graders, Harrison Lake for kindergarten, Valentines Theater for a showing of “Charlotte’s Web” for kindergarten through second grade, Imagination Station for second grade, and Sauder’s Village for third grade.
Michael Lane, High School Principal, shared the FFA Agriscience Fair results. Delana Damman placed first and earned gold in the Food Products and Processing Systems category for Division three. Ella Richer placed first and won gold in the Plant Systems category in Division three.
Lane added, “Congratulations to Delana and Ella, who will compete at the National FFA Agriscience Fair in Indianapolis, Indiana, which will take place in October.

Pettisville High School Class of 2022 will participate in commencement on Sunday, May 22 at 2:30 p.m. in the varsity gym. This will be the schools first traditional commencement ceremony since 2019.
The Board of Education meeting was moved to an executive session at 7:34 p.m. for the purpose of preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negations or bargaining sessions with employees, that concluded at 8:20 p.m. with no action taken.
Following completion of executive session the meeting was adjourned.
Lindsay can be reached at publisher@thevillagereporter.com