July 7th
•324 N. Williams St., suspicious person, unable to locate
•N Main north of viaduct, suspicious auto, possible disabled vehicle, handled
•West Bryan Main Stop 1310 W. High St., suspicious person, handled
•324 N. Williams St., assist civilian, handled
•315 S. Walnut St., crew in service, smoke/CO detector alarm
•West Bryan Main Stop, assist other department, patient in care of medics
•415 S. Williams St., vandalism, report of damage to windows, handled
•322 E. Trevitt St., trash complaint, report taken
•Union/Ft. Grove, traffic stop, speed, warning
•Foxglove Apartments 121 Palmer Ln., well being check, made contact and subject was fine
•409 E. Bryan St., family trouble, handled
•Bryan Inn 924 E. High St., crew, smoke alarm
•CHWC hospital 433 W. High St., assist other department, life flight, handled
•CHWC, crew, life flight
•100 N. Union St. blk., larceny, stolen tools, referred to Sheriff
•228 S. Beech St., larceny, handled
•East End Pool 1400 E. High St., juvenile complaint, unable to locate
•Bryan PD, assist civilian
•322 E. High St., hang up 911, handled
•1000 Buffalo Rd. blk., assist civilian
•Bryan PD, well being check, handled
•Main/Mulberry, hazardous condition, handled
•206 N. Lewis St., well being check, left voicemail for CP to update her with this case, report taken
July 8th
•Circle K 923 S. Main St., traffic stop, speed, warning
•15451 CR I, crew, fire alarm
•209 E. Perry St., vandalism, handled
•Winzeler/Wilson, traffic stop, one headlight, warning
•Shell Spee-D-Mart 911 E. High St., disturb peace, warning
•1206 E. High St., lockout, handled
•Bryan Mobile Home Court 511 N. Union St., warrant, check, report taken
•200 E. Maple St. blk., well being check, subject is fine and out of roadway, handled
•Foxglove apartments, disturb peace, handled
•Quillen Bros. Windows 677 N. Main St., hang up 911, accidental
•304 Avenue A, disturb peace, handled
•Main/Wilson, accident no injury, report taken
•Union/Trevitt, traffic stop, no OLN, citation
•Farmers and Merchangs 929 E. High St., burglar alarm, handled
•High/Emmet, traffic stop, display of plates, warning
•Bryan PD, assist civilian, handled
•Circle K, lockout, handled
•400 E. South St. blk., auto violation, report of reckless vehicle, unable to locate
•Bryan PD, assist other department, report taken
•1200 E. High St. blk., hang up 911, open line, unable to locate
•211 Carson Dr., drunks, report taken
•Cherry/Perry, disturb peace, unable to locate
July 9th
•900 S. Main St. blk., juvenile complaint, handled
•420 N. Myers St., juvenile complaint, unable to locate the subjects
•5124 CR 15, assist other department, report taken
•5124 CR 15, assist other department, handled
•Rec Park entrance 850 Center St., suspicious vehicle, unable to locate
•717 S. Cherry St., disturb peace, report taken
•Shawnee Salon 728 E. Mulberry St., larceny, theft, no report, request extra patrol
•Bryan Mobile Home Court, accident no injury, parties exchanged information, handled
•High/Allen, disturb peace, possible gun shot, handled
•Wesley United Methodist 903 Center St., escort funeral, handled
•1009 Colonial Ln., bike stolen, request officer, report taken
•Titan Tire 927 S. Union St., traffic stop, speed, warning
•112 E. Edgerton St., assist civilian, handled
•Wild Bill’s Tobacco 1121 W. High St., larceny, report of stolen phone, report taken
•Titan Tire, hang up 911, open line, handled
•430 S. Williams St., assist civilian, handled
•1600 E. High St. blk., general, report of smoke coming in and out of a house
•517 N. Allen St. alley, suspicious auto, handled
•Bryan Ford 920 N. Main St., traffic stop, speed, closed
•Main/US Rt 127, traffic stop, speed, warning
•Walmart, assist civilian, report taken
•715 E. Bryan St., disturb peace, handled
•Emmet/Butler, disturb peace, report of fireworks, handled
•Walmart, shoplifting, unable to locate, gone on arrival
•Time Warner Comm. Bldg. 310 Paige St., burglar alarm, building secure
•Imagination Station, property lost, report taken
•Charter Communications 310 Paige St., burglar alarm, handled
July 10th
•617 S. Main St., family trouble, report taken
•617 S. Main St., disturb peace, handled
•400 W. High St. blk., traffic stop, fail to signal left of center, warning
•Main/Perry, traffic stop, speed, citation
•908 Center St., lockout, handled
•Walmart, business checks, walk through, handled
•Best One Tire 915 N. Main St., burglar alarm, light duty man door alarm, handled
•Circle K, property found
•Walmart, shoplifting, closed
•Dollar General West High, lockout, handled
•High/Buffalo, auto violation, unable to locate
•Ford Dealer, traffic stop, speed, warning
•Main/Bryan, report of auto violation, unable to locate
•308 E. Butler St., neighbor trouble, report taken
•Main/South, traffic detail, handled
•Best One Tire, business check, handled
•Superior Auto Inc. 335 N. Main St., vandalism, report taken
•Bryan PD, dog complaint, report of found dog, handled
July 11th
•Dad’s Place 105 W. Butler St., assist civilian, report taken
•El Mariachis Mexican Restaurant 1260 S. Main St., auto violation, suspicious auto, unable to locate, building is secured
•301 Paige St., burglar alarm, handled
•Quillen Bros. Windows, hang up 911, accidental dial, everything is fine
•214 N. Emmet St., disturb peace, warning
•St Rt 15/Newcomer, crew, report of black smoke, 10 minute check, fire believed to be out, crews cleaning up around a tractor
•223 Carson Dr., assist other department, report taken
•Fountain Park Assistance 1433 N. Main St., crew, fire alarm, nothing found in service
•Krill Funeral Home 860 W. Mulberry, escort funeral towards Ft. Grove, handled
•Bryan Inn 924 E. High St., Keep the peace, handled
•Hillside 9876 CR 16, crew, call cancelled
•Walmart, accident no injury, report taken
•5468 CR17, crew, possible gas leak, advised, inservice command terminated Ohio Gas will be remaining on scene
•717 S. Cherry St., keep the peace, handled
•Cashland 123 E. South St., keep the peace while retrieving items, handled
•Best One Tire, traffic stop, speed, no ol, citation
•Main/Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•300 S. Union St. blk., traffic stop, speed, citation
•Union/Colonial, traffic stop, speed, citation
•Bryan Ford, traffic stop, speed, citation
•Shoe Sensation 1229 S. Main St., shoplifting, report taken
July 12th
•Current Office Solutions 211 W. High St., business check, handled
•Williams County Public Library 107 E. High St., business check, handled
•300 E. Bryan St. blk., suspicious auto, vehicle with lights on, handled
•207 S. Lynn St., assist civilian, handled
•Winthrop Terrace Apts 1000 Buffalo Rd., well being check, handled
•307 E. Maple St., suspicious auto, unable to locate
•Valley Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram 5768 St Rt 15, general, in service, closed
•Krill Funeral Home, escort funeral to St. Pats
•330 E. Mulberry St., warrant, unable to locate
•Cashland, request of unit to keep the peace, cp has item back, handled
•St. Patrick Church 610 S. Portland St., escort funeral to Ft. Grove, handled
•Mattie Marsh Shelter 410 E. Trevitt St., juvenile complaint, gave advice
•Everside health 500 W. Mulberry St., accident no injury, report taken
•904 S. Cherry St., messages, handled
•542 Lawndale Dr., identity theft, report taken
•Bryan Municipal Court 1399 E. High St., assist other department, request for an officer in the probation office, report taken
•Walmart, business check, walk through
•Bryan Ford, traffic stop, speed, warning
•300 S. Union St. blk., traffic stop, speed, warning
•Main/Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•Main/Pierce, traffic stop, window tint, citation
•Main/Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•500 S. Main St. blk., traffic stop, speed, warning
•South/Union, traffic stop, speed, citation
•South/Union, traffic stop, speed, citation
•High/Toy, traffic stop, citation
July 13th
•McDonald Ruff Ice Rink 601 Townline Rd., suspicious vehicle, handled
•Huntington Bank 310 S. Main St., traffic stop, head light out, warning
•Beech/Mulberry, suspicious person, subjects advised to get proper illumination on their bikes
•100 S. Main St. blk., traffic stop, head light, warning
•Marathon/Wilson, traffic stop, speed, warning
•PTC 528 N. Allen St., suspicious auto, vehicle left in their lot, handled
•121 N. Myers St., warrant check, report taken
•South/Potters, traffic stop, speed, warning
•121 N. Emmet St., assist other department, handled
•Main/Wilson, accident no ijury, report taken
•Bryan Community Health Center 228 S. Main St., accident no injury, report taken
•209 E. Perry St., vandalism, report taken
•400 S. Lynn St. blk., traffic stop, stop sign, warning
•400 E. Butler St. blk., traffic stop, stop sign, warning
•121 N. Emmet St., assist other department, JFS, handled
•209 E. Perry St., harassment, report taken, handled
•SR15 north of city limits, traffic stop, speed, citation
•507 S. Main St., hang up 911, handled
•Main/Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•Main Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•Wilson/Union, assist civilian, citizen assist, handled
•Wilson/Toy, traffic stop, speed, warning
•High/15.75, traffic stop, speed, warning
•Main/Wilson, traffic detail, handled
•South/Cherry, traffic stop, speed, citation
•100 E. South St. blk., traffic detail, semi trying to turn around, handled
•Walnut/High, traffic stop, stop sign violation, citation
•Walnut/High, traffic stop, stop sign violation, citation
•South/Union, traffic stop, speed, citation
•100 E. High St. blk., traffic stop, DUS and display of plates and stickers, citation
•Bryan Inn, assist civilian, handled
•Bryan/Garden, traffic stop, report taken
•Bryan/Garden, K-9 Assist, with traffic stop, report taken
•Walnut/Mulberry, traffic stop, operating on expired tags, citation
•715 E. Bryan St., disturb peace, noise complaint, handled
•Main/Bryan, traffic stop, speed, citation
July 8th
•Unk, Custodial Int
July 9th
•108 S Michigan, Lockout
July 10th
•458 John W, Breathing
•237 W Sergent, Theft-Automobile
•257 E Bement, Heart Problem
•207 Washington, Keep The Peace
•Park View Nursing rm 51a, Medical
July 11th
•Edgemont Apts Apt 114, Well Being Check
•Airway 303 W River, Lockout
July 12th
•Phils One Stop 157 E Morr, Department Info
July 13th
•Edgemont Apartments Unknown, Civil
•328 W Vine Parkview Nursing, Medical
•303 W River Airway Manufacturing, 911 Hang Up
•127 W River Lot 21, Breathing
July 14th
•Park View Nursing Behavior, Trauma
July 15th
•Park View Nursing 24B, Medical
July 14th
•307 N Michigan, Suspicious Activity
July 15th
•405 Deanne Dr, Medical
July 8th
•1709 Maplehurst, Diabetic Shock
•215 E Wayne, Unwanted Person
•Lassus 107 E Main, Suspicious Activity
•414 E Madison, Neighborhood Problem
•1277 Snapdragon, Well Being Check
•1260 E Main Dollar General, Alarm
•533 S Monroe, Medical
July 9th
•House of Prayer 115 Empire, Suspicious Activity
•501 S East By the Playhouse, Juvenile
•214 Moore, Suspicious Activity
•600 Block of Mill, Traffic Hazard
•716 E Main, Medical
•501 ½ W Lawrence St, Medical
•211 S Monroe, Harassment
•315 S Harrison, Choking
•108 S East, Harassment
•116 W Jefferson, Medical
•408 Circle, Investigation Complaint
July 10th
•Quality Inn 13508 SR-15, Lockout
•328 Empire, Well Being Check
•504 E Main, Investigation Complaint
•Lawrence & Platt, Suspicious
•1314 Cherry, Well Being Check
•513 W Lawrence, Chest Pain
July 11th
•222 W Lawrence, Medical
•304 Broad, Medical
•13508 SR-15 Quality Inn, Theft
•100 Blk E Madison, 911 Hang Up
•08961 SR-107 & 208 W Lawrence, Deliver Message
•513 ½ W Lawrence, Agency Assist
•421 S Harrison Alley Behind, Suspicious Activity
•615 E Court, Domestic Dispute
July 12th
•Holiday Inn 13399 SR-15, Lockout
•119 Lafayette, Stray Animal
•Montpelier Park Tball Field, Citizen Dispute
•CK Technologies 1680 Mag, Stray Animal
July 13th
•1201 E Main E Branch State, Alarm
•618 Randolph, Domestic Violence
•CR-13 SR-107, Escort
•E Main Millers Market, PI Accident
•20/20 Custom Plastics Building, Lockout
•106 Broad Circle K, Intoxicated
•Evergreen Manor 924 Charlies, Abuse
•514 Empire, Stray Animal
•818 Shawanoe, Well Being Check
•520 Bryant, Threatening
•213 N Platt, Medical
•218 E Wayne, Medical
July 14th
•220 S East Ave Sacred Heart, Suspicious
•1400 Carnation Apt 2, Animal Problem
•1201 E Main State Bank, 911 Hang Up
•618 Randolph, Keep The Peace
•Millers Market, PD Accident
•514 Old Platt, Illegal Burning
•Magda At SR-15, 911 Hang Up
July 15th
•1015 Cherry, Convulsions
July 8th
•417 First, 911 Hang Up
•203 W Lynn, Well Being Check
July 9th
•Pioneer Community Center, Medical
•300 W North, Domestic Dispute
July 10th
•301 Cedar St Apt 3, Burglary
•301 First, Parking Problem
•1028 Lakeshore, PD Accident
•301 Cedar Apt 3, Mental
July 11th
•417 W First, Mental
•105 E Dearborn, Unknown Emergency
•300 Block of S State, PI Accident
July 13th
•202 S Maple, Soliciting
•SR-15 from Hillsdale, Traffic Offense
•301 Clearfork Dr Apt B, Trauma
July 14th
•301 Cedar Apt 3, Trespassing
•SR-15 N/B at Ace Corners, Traffic Offense
•Subway 601 S State Lot B, PD Accident
July 8th
•Dollar General 911 S Defiance, Suspicious Car
July 9th
•404 W Church St, Citizen Assist
•Springfield Park 206 N Defiance, Lockout
•109 W Curtis, Fireworks
July 10th
•111 E Allison, Animal Problem
•715 E North Lot 23, Domestic Dispute
•601 Beech, Fire
July 12th
•CR-24.25 Near JDC, Pursuit
•SR-191 S of SR-34, Traffic Hazard
July 14th
•800 Maple Apt 205, Lockout
•400 S Defiance Stryker High, 911 Hang Up
July 9th
•S/B on Lincoln from Jackson, Traffic Offense
•1000 Blk W Jackson, Found Property
•125 Shire Crest Dr Apt 301, Medical
•Memorial Park, Citizen Assist
July 10th
•715 E North Lot 23, Domestic Dispute
•501 E Church, Juvenile
•604 W North, Medical
July 11th
•310 S Liberty, Medical
•208 W North, Animal Problem
•W/B US-20A through Town, Traffic Offense
July 12th
•802 W Jackson, Keep The Peace
•WEU, Found Property
•Montpelier Park Tball Field, Agency Assist
•Your Time Café 103 W Jackson, Citizen Assist
•310 S Liberty, Medical
July 13th
•E Jackson St and Jefferson, Animal Problem
•310 S Liberty, Well Being Check
•500 Blk S Lincoln, Animal Problem
•501 E Church Apt 408, Information
July 14th
•Kamco 1001 E Jackson, Medical
•500 W Catherine, Medical
•Across from 408 W Church, Animal Problem
July 15th
•Alley Between W Church, Suspicious Activity
•205 W Jackson, Lockout
•Eastbound from 107, Traffic Offense
•E/B on US-20A from Montpelier, Traffic Offense
The following individuals were sentenced in Fulton County Common Pleas Court according to county prosecutor Scott A. Haselman.
•Jeremy Williams, 38, of Morenci, Michigan, previously pleaded guilty to Violating a Protection Order and Possession of a FentanyI Possession of a Fentanyl-Related Compound. He violated a protection order and he possessed a Fentanyl-Related compound.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Williams to 10 months in prison for Possession of a Fentanyl-Related Compound and 180 days in jail for Violating a Protection Order, to be served concurrently with one another for a total of 10 months.
•Matthew T. Straley, 34, of Findlay, Ohio, previously pleaded guilty to Aggravated Possession of Drugs. He possessed Methamphetamine.
Judge Jeffrey L. Robinson sentenced Mr. Straley to 10 months in prison.
•Eledt, Joshua (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $47.00
•Hernandez Lopez, Epifanio J (Wauseon) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Rashley, Marvin J (Swanton) Seatbelt Driver. Waived Amount.
•Smith, Randy A (Delta) Seatbelt. Cost: $48.00 Fine Amount: $30.00
•King, Reno R (Swanton) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Bullock, Michael D (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $47.00
•Riegsecker, Ricky R (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $47.00
•Wagoner, Stacie (Swanton) Failed To Yield. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Newbury, Carol E (Metamora) Traffic Control. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Camacho, Stacy A (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $77.00
•Beemer, Nicholas R (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $47.00
•Lamb, Aaron M (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $77.00
•Tipping, Anderson C (Metamora) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Shaver, Ada (Delta) DUS. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Helton, Ryan J (Delta) Speed With Finding Of Reckless. 6 Month License Suspension With Occupational Privileges. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $150.00
•Rivera, Brandon (Archbold) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Coe, Adam B (Swanton) Stop Sign. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Patterson, Corey A (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Nguyen, Tony (Wauseon) Stop Sign Amend To Brake Violation. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Oates, Aaron M (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $102.00
•Fagerman, Jason A (Swanton) Failed To Display Plate. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Bittinger, Sherry A (Lyons) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $77.00
•King, Reno R (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Nagucki, Michael C (Delta) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Powell, Gary A (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $47.00
•Wells, Michael S (Swanton) Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $37.00
•Fulton County Health Center vs Tiffany May Spurgeon, Lyons, Judgement For Plaintiff and Against Defendant In The Amount Of $177.12, 3% Interest From October 25, 2021 And The Cost Of This Action.
July 8th
•13889 CR-21.N, Disabled Vehicle
July 9th
•US-6 W SR-191, PD Accident
•102 N Michigan, PD Accident
•SR-15 & SR-107 Ace Corners, Traffic Hazard
•US-20 W of SR-49 W Junction, PD Accident
•CR-M CR-19, Traffic Hazard
July 11th
•CR-21.N & CR-M.50 Area, PD Accident
•SR-34 Outside of Blakeslee, Hit/Skip
•US-127 at CR-20.N, PD Accident
July 12th
•US-6 W/B from CR-10, Traffic Offense
•CR-C W/B from SR-576, Juvenile
•SR-15 S CR-F In Front of V, PI Accident
•SR-34 SR-191, PI Accident
July 13th
•US-20 E of CR-11.50, Disabled Vehicle
July 14th
•US-127 W CR-15, PI Accident
•Under The Underpass on SR-, PD Accident
July 15th
•06382 SR-15, PD Accident
•CR-17 N of CR-M N of the T, Suspicious Car
July 8th
• 14409 CR-15, Suicide
July 10th
• CR-9 First Pole S of US-6, Utility Problem
• 601 Beech, Fire
July 11th
• 300 Block of S State, PI Accident
• 328 W Vine Park View Nursing, Fire Alarm
July 12th
• Hillside Country Living 09, Test
• 24075 US-6 Airgas, Fire Alarm
• 317 E Chicago, Mutual Aid
• SR-34 SR-191, PI Accident
July 13th
• Plastec 602 Indiana, Medical
• E Main Millers Market, PI Accident
July 14th
• SR-107 SR-15, PI Accident
• Miller’s Market, PD Accident
• 514 Old Platt, Illegal Burning
July 14th
•100 Chase St, Trauma
•Kendall, Donald L III (Bryan) Falsification. Defendant Plead No Contest; Found Guilty. Jail Time: 90 Days; Jail Suspended: 90 Days. No Future Violations Within 2 Years. Cost: $90.00 Fine Amount: $500.00
•Kendall, Donald L III (Bryan) Resist Arrest. Defendant Plead No Contest; Found Guilty. Jail Time: 90 Days; Jail Suspended: 90 Days. No Future Violations Within 2 Years. Cost: $45.00 Fine Amount: $250.00
•Braun, Wendy M (Montpelier) Domestic Violence. Defendant Plead Guilty; Found Guilty. Jail Time: 180 Days; Jail Suspended: 180 Days. No Future Violations Within 3 Years, No Violent Or Threatening Contact With Chase Fadley, Thinking For A Change Program. Cost: $285.00 Fine Amount: $350.00
•Bass, Daryke M (Montpelier) Expired Plates. Waived Amount.
•Dawson, Thomas B (West Unity) Seat Belt. Waived Amount.
•Deyarmond, Amber N (Montpelier) Seat Belt. Cost: $40.00 Fine Amount: $30.00
•Buehrer, David M (Bryan) Traf Contl Dev. Waived Amount.
•Deyarmond, Johnathon C (Montpelier) Driving Under Suspension. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $350.00
•Paris, Korbin M (Montpelier) 54/35 Speed. Cost: $85.00 Fine Amount: $50.00
•Price, Timothy M (Bryan) OVI Susp. Cost: $84.00 Fine Amount: $250.00
•Langley, Shelly F (Montpelier) 51/35 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Blake, Damian L (Montpelier) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Robinson, Elizabeth H (Wauseon) 50/35 Speed. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $45.00
•Gipson, Monica S (West Unity) 41/25 Speed. Cost: $40.00 Fine Amount: $45.00
•Gipson, Monica S (West Unity) No Drivers License. Cost: $79.00 Fine Amount: $200.00
•Ries, Cole H (Montpelier) 73/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Burress, Nicholas J (Bryan) 67/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Biery, Allison M (Edgerton) 69/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Carredo, Abbey E (Bryan) 71/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Joslin, Marlena L (Montpelier) 70/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
•Shaffer, Jamy L (Edgerton) 68/55 Speed. Waived Amount.
July 8th
•05571 SR-15, Repossession
•1709 Maplehurst, Diabetic Shock
•21317 CR-J.50, Suspicious Car
•205 E Main, Agency Assist
•14409 CR-15, Suicide
•05571 SR-15 Lot 17, Agency Assist
•04367 CR-15.75 Lot 70, Agency Assist
•16417 CR-S, Alarm
•Lake Seneca, Civil
•08774 CR-I, Domestic Dispute
•05813 CR-15.75, 911 Hang Up
•1 Courthouse Square, Forgery
•202 Hallock Drive, Agency Assist
July 9th
•700 E Summit, Domestic Dispute
•05124 CR-15, Wanted Person
•CR-H W of CR-18, PD Accident
•US-6/SR-15, Escort
•Alvordton Bar, Harassment
•16281 CR-G, Theft-Automobile
•Behind 229 Washington, Citizen Dispute
•160 Lakeshore Nettle Lake, 911 Hang Up
•03671 CR-O.50, Juvenile
•100 Blk Avalon Bona Vesta, Fireworks
July 10th
•09425 CR-13, Agency Assist
•18103 CR-C, Chest Pain
•04671 CR-15.75 Lot 2, Neighborhood Problem
•03607 CR-9, Neighborhood Problem
•11013 CR-10.A, Well Being Check
•301 Cedar St Apt 3, Agency Assist
•08774 CR-I, Agency Assist
•14855 CR-6, Breathing
•CR-9 First Pole S of US-6, Utility Problem
•06695 SR-15 Lot 56, Trespassing
•US-20/CR-9, K-9 Usage
•04705 CR-15.75 Lot 25, Well Being Check
•05231 US-127, 911 Hang Up
•West Unity to Veterans Building, Escort
•10079 SR-576, Suspicious
•16237 CR-H/06521 SR-576, Agency Assist
•10984 CR-8.50, Domestic Dispute
•S CR-N30 Between CR-16/CR-, Suspicious Car
•03671 CR-O.50, Harassment
•10305 US-6, PD Accident
July 11th
•11781 CR-J, Fraud
•20920 SR-34, VIN Inspection
•15878 US-20, 911 Hang Up
•SR-15 N/B from Ney, Traffic Offense
•E of 07778 CR-21.N, Suspicious Car
•207 Washington, Domestic Dispute
•08961 SR-107/208 W Lawrence, Deliver Message
•14553 SR-49, Hit/Skip
•14676 SR-576, Suspicious Car
•182 Hollywood Nettle Lake, 911 Hang Up
•US-127 N/B Into Pulaski, Traffic Hazard
•301 Hinkle Lot 12, Agency Assist
•03047 CR-K, Alarm
•SR-34 Goebels Curves, Traffic Hazard
•16835 CR-C, Lost Property
•03389 CR-24.25, Assault
July 12th
•CR-24.25 Near JDC, Pursuit
•US-127 N CR-H, PD Accident
•US-127 N CR-H, Duty Weapon Use
•13390 SR-576, Keep The Peace
•03485 CR-D.50, 911 Hang Up
•08961 SR-107, Agency Assist
•516 Steuben, Wanted Person
•16182 CR-5, Suspicious Activity
•13508 SR-15, Information
•01352 CR-M, Well Being Check
•12450 SR-576 Units 11, 12, B&E
•576 Seneca, Domestic Dispute
•13716 CR-G, Fraud
•SR-34/SR-191, Agency Assist
•Hidden Valley Campground, PD Accident
•Veterans Building, Parking Problem
•Montpelier Park Tball Field, Agency Assist
•220 Hollywood Blvd Nettle, Extra Patrol
•03719 US-20, Vagrancy
•14553 SR-49, PD Accident
•CR-F, Department Info
•202 Hallock Drive, Agency Assist
July 13th
•14553 SR-49, Suspicious
•CR-23/US-6, Traffic Hazard
•205 S State, PD Accident
•05368 CR-S Camp Diclair, VIN Inspection
•14553 SR-49, PD Accident
•Across from 10609 CR-12.30, Suspicious Activity
•196 Miami Nettle Lake, Civil
•11308 CR-15, Domestic Dispute
•203 Hollywood, Fraud
•105 Avalon, Fraud
•05571 SR-15 Lot 22, 911 Hang Up
•15600 CR-7, Threatening
•04847 CR-6, Agency Assist
•14553 SR-49, PD Accident
•202 Hallock Drive, Agency Assist
July 14th
•US-127 W CR-15, Agency Assist
•Love’s 14553 SR-49, Threatening
•North Pine Estates Lot 17, Keep The Peace
•15600 CR-7, Keep The Peace
•11549 CR-D, Abandoned Vehicle
•206 Michigan Dr Norlick, Fraud
•04167 CR-19, Well Being Check
•12909 SR-15 Tori Junes, Lost Property
•SR-107 SR-15, PI Accident
•18649 CR-1.50, Trespassing
•13658 CR-20, Fraud
•200 Depot Columbia, Suspicious Activity
•08568 CR-16, PD Accident
•Oakwood Lot 16, Civil
July 15th
•SR-34 W of CR-24.25, Traffic Hazard
•02042 CR-15 Bryan Fuel Stop, Abandoned Vehicle
•20883 SR-34, Fraud
•MUN to CCNO, Agency Assist
•05629 CR-15.75 Lot 19, Unwanted Person
•1425 E High, Test
July 8th
•14383 CR-15, Animal Abuse
July 9th
•201 Washington, Neighborhood Problem
July 10th
•207 Washington, Keep The Peace