PERMIT APPROVED … Edon Village Council members, left to right, David Loughborough, Brook Morris, Brandon Thiel and Austin Thiel, get ready to vote on a liquor permit. (PHOTO BY DANIEL COOLEY, STAFF)
By: Daniel Cooley
The July 18 Edon Village Council meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed the approval of the minutes from the June 20 council meeting.
All five council members, David Loughborough, Brook Morris, Brandon Thiel, Austin Thiel, Dan Ankney and Lee Lawrence, were in attendance.
Council then approved the financial report and the paying of the bills.
Police Chief Tom Szymczak then gave a report. He said that regarding coverage at basketball games, he would like to bring the question to the safety committee and have a discussion with the school.
The safety committee scheduled a safety committee meeting on Thursday, July 21, to discuss the matter and when to possibly meet with the Edon School District. He would also like to advertise for some part-time help.
Szymczak also said that train rides will be available on August 27 and 28, with a three-hour layover in Hillsdale, Michigan.
Also, for the upcoming Edon Days, he said that archery will be available, and it is the same archery that is available at Edon Schools.
In the park report, a wood structure has been put up in the old street barn building.
In financing, the water system is in the black and the sewer department is in the red. The village is also getting ready for the sewer plant replacement.
In the administrator report, Chad Ordway said that the bridge project will be completed by Edon Days. Also, the downtown parking stripes maintenance project will be completed by the end of August.
In new business, council approved a liquor permit transfer from Slattery to P & R Investments, Incorporated.
The next council meeting will take place on August 15. Council then voted to adjourn the meeting.
Dan can be reached at